Chapter 2: Saved by the Curly-Haired Idiot

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Hello fellow people that read my first chapter, even tho it sucked! :) I love you! Xx So here's the next chapter and it took me FOREVER to write it and I'm sorry this update is a little late, but anyways, here it is!


Oh. My. Gosh.

I have actually thought of this before, but I have always been too afraid. Too afraid that he might catch me, too afraid things would get worse if I tried to leave, and definitely too afraid because he might actually kill me. But now... I've run out of options, and I have no choice. I have to leave, or at least try. All the beatings are getting worse and worse, and I might just end up dead anyway if I don't at least try to do anything about it.

I rush to my dresser and grab random clothing, shoving it in my old school backpack. I rush into my bathroom and grab my razors, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, and a few other essentials I'll need. I hurry out of the bathroom and put the rest of my things into my backpack. I glance over at my clock.


Shit! I slept for that long?! I only have eight minutes until Dave wakes up from his afternoon nap and comes banging on my door. I grab my black converse, ready to go, and then I realize I'm not even dressed yet.

Just great. My day is already not going right, as always.

I groan and frantically search the floor for a quick outfit to wear. I strip down and throw on a plain black t-shirt and some ripped blue jean shorts. Then I put my shoes on and grab my backpack. I take one last look at the clock.


I can feel my eyes growing twice their size. I can hear Dave's footsteps coming down the hallway, and I start to panic. I run to my bedroom window that's above my dresser, climbing on top of it. I step on and knock off everything in my way, not caring about the pointless things I'm smashing and breaking. I can hear him outside the door while I try to undo the latch that locks my window. If course, because I have no luck in this world, the damn thing refused to budge.

"Get your arse out of this room right now! I can hear you, you stupid girl!"

I struggle with the latch for a few more seconds until it finally budges. THANK THE LORD JESUS! I open the window and throw my things out ready to climb my way to freedom.

"I've had it with you! That's it! I'm coming in this room even if I have to break down this damn door!"

Dave rams the door down, making it crash loudly to the floor, dust and splinters flying everywhere. He searches the room for me in confusion. I'm just about out the window when Dave sees me. He stares at me in shock for a second before the anger rushes through him.

"Hey! Get back in here, or I'll kill you!"

I jump down from the window just as Dave leaves my room. I pick up my stuff and start running as fast as my frail legs can take me. I ignore every shock of pain pulsing through my body, letting the adrenaline carry me. I look back briefly every few seconds to see if he's trailing me, hearing the sound of a truck engine.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Dave's truck pulls out of the driveway, trailing after me. I can feel my body slowing down and my sides aching. I am just inside of downtown London when I see an old alleyway. I cut inside it in an attempt to escape, ignoring the horrible stench of alcohol, cigarette smoke, sex, and garbage. I hide behind a dumpster and breathe through my mouth to drown out the sick smells.

I wait for what feels like forever before I hear someone enter the alleyway.

"Come on out you stupid girl! It's over, I know you're hiding in here!"

I'm leaning on garbage bags to keep me balanced, trying to stay as still as I possibly can. Not that I want to, but at this moment in time I have no choice. I hear him getting closer and closer, everything getting quiet. Too quiet.

Is he gone? No way... He was just walking toward me! He couldn't have just disappeared like that, he would've had to walk back the other way, and made a hell of a lot of noise! There isn't another opening at the end of this alley either...

As I'm thinking, a pair of strong hands grabbing me from behind, yanking me from my temporary "hiding spot" snaps me back into reality. I make an 'oomf' sound as I'm slammed into a grimy brick wall.

Dave smirks at me and says, "I've told you a dozen times! You can always run from me, but you will never get far. You won't ever be able to hide."

Dave slams me on the ground, laughing a dark, evil laugh that echoes off the disgusting walls. He kicks me once, then twice. I zone out, trying to think of any possible thing I could do to get me out of this.

It's all over Carrie-Lee. You're going to die in this alley and there is nothing you can do about it.

No, stop! You're going to get out of this! You have to think!

Oh, who was I kidding? I have no plan and I'm bleeding and... wait a second. I'm bleeding? Uhg, no time to worry about that now! Think Carrie-Lee, think!

Then it finally comes to me. I know I have to do it, even though I know Dave will surely kill me if I do, but it's the only way I could possibly survive this situation.

I eventually build up enough courage and every last ounce of strength I have left and I scream as loud as I possibly can. Dave tries to shut me up, failing miserably, because for once, I fight back. I kick, punch, and scream as hard and as loud as I can.

Until, Dave grabs me around my neck, choking me, cutting off all of my air supply. He mutters things to me, but I can barely hear what he's saying, as I start blacking out.

Then I see him. A tall, curly-haired lad at the end of the alley, looking scared and panic-stricken as ever. I can tell he wants to help, but I see the mental debate going through his mind, almost as if he wants to help me, but he's frozen where he stands.

Please! Please, whoever you are, please come help me! I silently wish.

It's official, this guy is an idiot. Well, a very attractive idiot at that, but... I'm literally dying and I'm thinking about how attractive this guy is? I'm really starting to worry about my self...

I'm losing my vision, not able to see the mystery lad anymore.

Where the bloody hell did he go?

Just as I'm thinking he left me here to die, as I'm giving up all hope, the pressure around my throat is released. Dave is pulled off me, thrown to the ground about five feet away. I go weak at the knees, falling hard to the ground and hitting my head on something sharp. I go numb, and the last thing I can remember is a scared lad with sparkling green eyes.


Well, hi there. How did you like my 2nd chapter? I hope it's better than the first, because to be honest, I worked hard on this and I took some time to write this even tho I'm a screwed up, depressed mess right now. So please, please, PLEASE vote, comment, and fan and please help me get some more reads! Tell me how I'm doing in the comments and tell me if you're liking my fanfic so far! Thanks loves! :) love you all! <3

And P.S.---I will update as soon as I can, but with the end of the school year and my competitive travel softball season starting, it's really hard to find time to update! But I am trying my best! Thanks again! Love you all! <3

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