Chapter 20: Breakfast and A Sad Girls Day Out

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Okay guys, omfg, I'm so soz that this update is late ! Time completely got away from me and I've been busy this past week, and I hope you still love me ! Cuz I know that I love you guys ! Xx ❤😘

So what did you guys think of twerking Harry at the TCA's? And the boys won all 6 awards ! Can I get a HELL YEAH !? Anyways, enjoy the chapter ya sexy mofos (; xx


*Liam's POV

All I can think right now is how much my neck hurts.

I just woke up on the floor in the game room, and I have a horrible crick in my neck. Everyone stayed up until about 3 AM playing video games until we all fell asleep. I look around and see everyone else is still sleeping. Louis is halfway on the couch and halfway off, Niall is laying almost all the way on top of Louis, Harry is curled up in a fetal position, Zayn is laid back on bean bag chairs, and Carrie-Lee is nowhere to be found. I wonder where she went...

I stand up, pop my back, and stretch my arms and legs before leaving the room. I'm still in the clothes l I wore the day before, so I decide to go take a shower and change before doing anything else.

After I get out of the shower, I dry off and put on Calvin Klein boxers, blue jeans, a plain black tank top, my black and red snapback, and my black converse. I walk downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for the lads, Carrie-Lee, and me.

When I enter the kitchen, Carrie-Lee is sitting at the table drinking a glass of milk.

"Morning C-L!" I say cheerfully.

She jumps in her seat and turns around. "What the hell Li, you scared me! Good morning." She says while chuckling lightly.

I laugh with her. "Have you eaten yet?"

She shakes her head. "No, not yet. I was waiting until everyone else woke up."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that. But I'm actually glad you did because I'm going to make breakfast for everyone." I explain.

She smiles. "Oh, okay! In that case, I'll help you! Whatcha wanna cook?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I have absolutely no idea. What do you want?"

She thinks for a moment before answering. "Bacon, eggs, and pancakes!"

I chuckle at her. "Sounds good to me!"

She nods her head in agreement before getting up and helping me start breakfast.


*Niall's POV

I wake up to the mouth watering scent of bacon and eggs. I shoot up off the couch I am laying on (well in this case it was Louis) and I sprint out of the game room toward the stairs.

I run downstairs into the kitchen and I'm surprised by Liam cooking bacon and eggs and Carrie-Lee mixing something in a bowl.

Carrie-Lee turns around and her eyes light up when she sees me. "Morning, Nialler!" She gives me a hug and then continues mixing what I'm assuming is pancake batter.

"Hey, Niall! Sleep well?" Liam asks, giving me a friendly smile.

I smile back. "Yeah, I slept okay. You?"

He sighs. "I slept alright I guess, but I do have a horrible crick in my neck from sleeping on the floor."

I nod my head, laughing a little. "Well, I'm gunna go take a shower now, I'll be back down in about thirty minutes or so."

They simply nod their heads before I run back upstairs.


*Louis' POV

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