Chapter 5: And The Truth Comes Out

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Well Ello there! 👋😊 I love you all so much for getting me to 52 reads and 9 votes! :) THANK YOU SO FLACKIN MUCH!!! 😊😘🙏👏 Anywaayyyys...enjoy the new chappie :) xx


"Well....your step-parents are... dead."

What?! They're dead? Oh my... well, of course why should I even care? Well, to be honest, I really don't know. They've made my life a living hell for 7 years, but they have given me a place to live, food to eat, (very disgusting food), but at least I haven't starved. They've helped me survive, while at the same time almost killing me. I really don't know what to feel right now.

"W-What happened?" I ask, now on the verge of tears.

Dr. John sighed. "Do you really want to know? It's a pretty long, sad story.."

I nod my head quickly, wanting answers desperately.

"Okay... well, your stepdad attempted to escape from the police. Apparently, he ran back home after his encounter with Harry, leaving his truck behind. He ransacked his house, grabbing whatever belongings he could and left a note explaining everything to your step mum in a not so nice way. He left on his motorcycle, but he didn't get very far though.."

He pauses for a moment. "The police caught up with him before long and there was an intense wild chase. Your stepdad had a gun and was shooting at the officers. In the process, he ran off the road and crashed into a small ditch, but it didn't slow him down. He quickly recovered and took down 2 police officers, killing them both, and injured one. But, the police eventually shot your stepdad in the arm, making him drop the gun. They ran over and handcuffed him, and they rushed him over to the car. Sadly, he broke free from the officers ushering him to the car and he tried to run... But, umm...they shot him again... in the back... and well... I'm sorry for your loss sweetheart."

I'm crying by now. I don't want to, because now I know I'm safe from Dave, but at the same time... He's dead. Bitten the dust. Life fired him for good.

I still have to know about my stepmum, so I quickly ask, "What about my mum? What happened to her?"

Dr. John looked at me with tears in his eyes. Then, he pulls out a crumpled up envelope out of his coat pocket, slowly handing it to me. "This should explain most of it."

I lift up a shaky hand and take the envelope from him. I slowly flip open the flap that's seal had already been broken, and take out a tear stained piece of paper.

It's a letter from my stepmum.

Dear Carrie-Lee,

I know this letter is late, but I have never been sober enough to tell you this myself. I want to apologize for being such a horrible mum to you. I wasn't a good example at all, I was never there for you, I let your father repeatedly hurt you, I barely kept you fed, I let you suffer and almost die, and I was never, ever there. I couldn't bare to watch anything happen to you. I loved you so much, but Dave didn't want you. I wanted to take you and leave, but I knew Dave would follow our path and somehow find us. I found depression with time. I turned to alcohol and drugs because they made me feel better, in a way. I became a prostitute so I could get away from Dave, and you as well, because it pained me to see you so broken. Now that Dave has left and you are gone, I have no reason to be here anymore. The damage has been done and I have already ruined myself. I wish I could turn back time, fix everything, and give you a better life, but I can't. By the time you read this, or if you ever get to read this, I will be dead. Before I left this world, I wanted to make sure you had a chance of knowing that I really did love you. I'm so sorry, so, so, so very, truly sorry. I love you so much. Please grow up and be the beautiful and lovely, sweet girl I know you are. Grow up and live your dream of becoming a singer. I've heard you in your room singing and you definitely have a true talent. Again, I love you so much and I'm truly, deeply, sorry. I hope you will find a place in your heart to forgive me one day, and I'll be watching over you.

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