Chapter 23: Flashbacks and Feeling Happy

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Hiiiiiiiiii. I'm writing this because I'm bored and because I'll probably have barely any other time to write this weekend and I can't really write during the week because of school. :/ Anyway, enjoy this chappie! (: xx


*Carrie-Lee's POV*

It has been two weeks. Two weeks since I got out of the hospital. Two weeks of screaming and crying. Two weeks of nightmares of the accident that have kept me awake for days at a time. Two weeks of barely eating. Two weeks of not showering except for a few times. Two weeks of being locked in my bedroom. Two weeks of cutting myself off from everyone. Two weeks of feeling broken.

The lads have done anything and everything they can think of to make me feel better, and to try to get me out of my room. They thought everything was going to be okay once I told them the truth, but no. It only made things worse.

Everytime they've brought me something to eat, I've pushed it to the side. When they forced me to eat, I would always end up vomiting it back up. I eventually gave up on eating at all. It's caused me to thin out a bit and the lads have surely noticed.

I stay burrowed up under the duvet on my bed and cry for hours each day. Everytime I try to stop, it only seems to get more and more impossible. The tears just keep coming and coming and nothing I do seems to stop them. Sleep deprivation is another enemy of mine. When I do sleep, I always wake up from nightmares and tears all over my eyes and face.

The lads take turns running in and comforting me at night. After having nightmares, they hold me in their arms and rock me back and forth, trying their best to comfort me while I scream and sob into their chest, their shoulder, or the crook of their neck. I hold them as tight as I can, scared that if I let go, they'll just plainly disappear into thin air and leave me all alone.

That's the main problem I have. I constantly fear and stress over the well-known fact that everyone will leave me. That's one thing I truly hate. I dread it all the time, every single day. That everyone will disappear from my life like Paige, my mum Sarah, my dad Sam, my aunts and uncles, my best friend Drew... everyone who was supposed to love me has left me instead.

After my sister died, it was hard enough on me to except that death was real. That anyone you love can be yanked from your life without warning, any time. You never expect it to happen most of the time, but it does. And it sure as hell hurts like nothing else I've ever experienced.

Then, my parents died a year later, and I felt like I had lost it all. I was the cause of their death, no doubting it, and guilt tore me apart. It ate me up inside and out and it still continues to do so.

When I went to live with Dave and Susan, I thought that just maybe everything could be okay, but after the first beating, sexual assault, and being starved for the first week, I knew that things weren't going to be any better. My only relief from them was when I was free to go to school. At first, it wasn't so great. I was bullied almost as much as I was at home.

But then he came along. Drew. My Drew. My best friend.


"Hey, loser!" I hear someone say.

I choose to ignore the comment, but I guess that 'someone' doesn't like that very much. I feel a tug at the back of my t-shirt and I am shoved into a row of lockers. I groan at the harsh impact and look at the face of my attacker.

"I was talking to you, bitch!"

It is Tyler Lucas, his two best mates, Kyle Davidson and Joseph Boyd, and Tyler's girlfriend, Madison Hays. The three boys and one girl that have made my life a living hell since I started here when I was seven.

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