Chapter 4: Bad Dreams and Meeting the Doc

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Okay, so I might start trying to update twice a week depending on how much time I have to update. It all just depends. I love you all so much, and thank you so much for taking time to read my fanfic even tho it isn't that good, but I promise it will eventually get better! Anyways, enjoy the new chappie! 😊

BTW-P.S: I will have some POV's (point of views) in this chappie. Enjoy!


Harry's POV

I've never felt so bad for someone in my life as I do for Carrie-Lee right now. No one deserves to go through anything like this, let alone a fourteen year old girl! As she tells me her story, I can't help but shed a few tears. The poor girl has had so much happen to her, and I just wish there was something more I could do.

I watch her sleep silently snuggled into my chest. She looks so peaceful sleeping, but I know in the inside, and currently on the outside, she's a broken girl with a horrible past. I don't know exactly what all has happened, but I won't ask her until the time seems right.

I feel my eyes slowly start to close, so I lean back onto the pillows of the small hospital bed and drift off into a temporary sleep.


Carrie-Lee's POV

I'm running in complete darkness. I can hear voices all around me. I'm trying to get away from them, but they get louder everywhere I go. I am trying my best to see, but everything is too dark. I run faster, but my foot trips over something and I fall hard to the ground. I make contact with what feels like concrete, and everything is burning hot. My skin is in searing pain. I try to move, but I'm stuck on the ground. I see a tall figure come out of the darkness.

It's Dave. I am struggling even more to stand up now, but my skin is burning like I've been placed in hot tar. I scream, but all Dave does is stand there and evilly laugh at me. He makes his way over to where I am, smirking.

"I told you no one loves you. All you are is stupid, fat, worthless... No one cares about you. You deserve to die."

I helplessly lay on the burning hot ground and scream out to him, "You're wrong! Harry cares about me! He promised to protect me no matter what!"

Then Dave laughed even louder.

"Stupid girl," he bellowed at me, "If he cared so much about you, then why isn't Harry here now?"

My lungs are burning along with the rest of my body. I try to scream Harry's name, but nothing comes out of my mouth. Tears fall down my face, but then I hear a familiar someone calling my name.

"Carrie-Lee!", it yells out, "Carrie-Lee! Wake up! You're having a bad dream! Please, please wake up!"


Harry's POV

I wake up to a blood curtling scream.


Carrie-Lee is kicking and screaming and tears are all over her face. I try to wake her up, but to no avail, she only continues to kick and scream.

I plead with her to wake up.

"Carrie-Lee!", I yell, "Carrie-Lee! Wake up! You're having a bad dream! Please, please wake up!"

After a few moments, her eyes flutter open and she stops her rapid kicking and screaming. She looks at me with wide, terrified eyes, which eventually flood with relief.

"Harry..." she whispers, barely audible.

She wraps her arms around me and cries into my shirt. For awhile I don't know what to do, until eventually I wrap my arms around her and whisper soothing things into her ear. I rock her back and forth until she eventually calms down.

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