Chapter 8: A Big Lie and A Big Announcement

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Hi der my lovelies!! (: Sorry it's been a while, I've been SUPER busy and going through a rough time updates have been a bit late and I really am truly sorry!! :( Please forgive me!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new chappie! xx


Niall's POV

I can't believe this. Carrie-Lee self harms? It really breaks my heart, and I mean, what if Harry finds out? He would be torn to pieces, but he has a right to know! I promised her I wouldn't tell... I dunno what to do. This is so hard...

We are both crying, but my tears could never compare to Carrie-Lee's. It was like no matter how hard she tried to make them stop, they just kept coming. I hold her tight in my arms rubbing circles on her back, trying to calm her down, but it isn't working so far. I just hope she stops crying before Louis gets here.


Too late.

Louis slams the door and rushes over to the small table in the corner of the room to set down the food. It smells so good, but for the first time in my life, I don't jump up and start digging in. I lay still on the bed with wide eyes, hoping Louis won't notice the position I'm in at the moment.

"Niall? What's going on mate?" Louis asks, worry in his tone.

I'm about to answer with a blunt lie, but instead, Carrie-Lee sits up and stretches her limbs, rubbing her eyes while faking a yawn.

"Is the food here yet? Because I'm starving!" She exclaims. I can tell she's nervous; her eyes are still red and puffy, making it obvious she's been crying, but I don't think Louis notices.

"Have you been crying?"

Well, shit.

"Uh, yes! I had a nightmare and Niall was just comforting me because I was scared." She quickly lies. It makes me feel so guilty lying to him like this...

"Oh... well, are you alright now, love?" He asks, perking up a bit.

Carrie-Lee nods her head, faking smile. Louis smiles back at her.

"Well, let's eat then!" Louis smiles, gesturing toward the food.

Carrie-Lee slowly gets up off the bed, standing up. She looks at me and offers her hand, which I gladly take in mine. We walk over to the table, taking out all the food and serve ourselves.

Our small supper consists of only a little bit of talking, but it's mostly silent. Carrie-Lee barely eats anything, but I don't complain. She's gone through a rough time, so I won't worry too much about it for now.

After supper, she lays back in bed and after awhile, falls asleep. I can't help but watch her small frame snuggled under the thin covers and the rise and fall of her chest as she sleeps.

I feel so sorry for her. When Harry told us about her, I was speechless. I didn't even know her yet, but I already felt so protective of her. When I met her for the first time, I made a vow to myself. I would do everything in my power to keep her safe. I will help her heal. I will do whatever it takes.


*3 days later*

Carrie-Lee's POV

It has been a rough 3 days. Heck, it's been a rough 14 years, 4 months, 18 days, 10 hours, 55 minutes. Today, Harry is coming back and I am more than happy about it. He was supposed to be back yesterday, but they had trouble with management and had to have an extra meeting. Though, the good thing is, Niall and Louis have been great friends to me, more like brothers. Especially Nialler (yes, I call him Nialler). I've heard the other lads call him that. He's like my best friend, other than Harry. Louis is like a big brother. Protective, always there for me, and he definitely knows how to make me laugh.

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