Chapter 16: Drama and a Movie (READ AUTHORS NOTES!)

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Hellllo lovely mofos! Sorry this is late, I have some severe writers block that really sucks! I'm doing my best to get these chapters ready for you!

Annnnnd, I might just write a few more chapters and then just end the book with an epilogue or something. But I dunno yet! You decide! (: comment what you think I should do!

After I finish this fanfic, I will start another one and it'll be a Louis or Niall fanfic! Comment which lad and I'll see what appears most! (: SO GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK! Xx

Anyways, enjoy the chappie!! (: xx


Carrie-Lee's POV


I ignore Louis yelling at me and continue laying on my bed. I'm too upset to show my face to them.

It has been a week since the big "announcement" was made, and things went way down from there. Niall and I haven't talked since then because I still haven't forgiven him for telling them. He has tried everything to get me to talk to him, but I just ignore everything. Zayn is always watching me with sympathetic, yet angry eyes. He won't speak to me much except to say 'good morning' or 'goodnight', or to come get me for meals. Liam has been my greatest friend and brother through it all. He has talked to me every night and he has been trying to make me feel better. He has held me while I've cried everyday, and he has done his best to help me. He promised not to call a therapist as long as I didn't self harm again. He has been checking my wrists, stomach, and thighs for any signs of harm, and so far I've been clean. Harry... well Harry hasn't spoken a single word to me since then. He won't even look at me! He has left early every morning before everyone gets up, and doesn't get back home until after midnight. Then there's Louis. Poor, poor Louis has been trying his ultimate best to fix everything. He has tried numerous times to make us laugh and bring us back together, but has had no luck so far. I can tell it's hurting him, but no one else seems to notice.

I feel horrible about all of it. It's killing me inside, but there's nothing I can do. I'm the cause of all this mess, so if I even tried to fix anything, none of the lads would listen except for Liam.

I'm zoned out, lost in thought until I hear a knock on my door.

Liam walks in and gives me a small smile. "Hi love. It's time for supper. I refused to eat without you, but the others weren't quite as thoughtful. You should join us, yeah?"

I avoid his gaze and ask, "Is Harry here?"

He sighs and sits down beside me. "Sorry love, but no. He should be here soon, though. Louis spoke to him earlier and Harry told him he would be home earlier tonight."

I'm about to reply, as pure shock, excitement, and anger floods through me all at once, but then a loud bang interrupts me. The noise shakes the whole house.

I look at Liam with wide eyes flooded with fear. "What the hell was that?!"

Liam looks both afraid and concerned. "I'm not sure."

He stands up and grabs my hand firmly. He basically drags me out of my room and we creep silently toward the staircase. We stay at the top looking down below us and listen.

I hear some talking at first, but it quickly escalates to yelling. I can't see anyone, but I can make out the voices well. If I'm right, Harry has just gotten home and it sounds like he's pissed off. Either that, or he pissed the lads off because all of them are yelling all at once.




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