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"Eleanor? Eleanor! ELEANOR!"

"I'm up, I'm up!"

I jump up and down on her bed excitedly until she sits up. I plop down beside her and slide off the bed. I bolt out of her room and down the hallway to the second guest bedroom.

"Perrie! Perrie! PERRIE!"

I jump up and down on her bed, but all she does is groan and roll over.

"For god's sake, Perrie, GET UP!" I scream at her.

She doesn't even move this time, so I plop down beside her and get close to her ear.

"You get to see Zayn today." I whisper quickly and pull away just as fast.

She shoots upright wide awake. "I'm up!"

"That's what I thought." I say, smirking at her.

She looks at me mischievously. "You do know that the lads are going to kill El and me when they see you. You've changed quite a lot since you've been living with us girls for almost ten months."

Yep, you heard her right. I've had to stay with the girls for almost ten months instead of the planned six. And yes I was extremely pissed off and upset. I may or may not have locked myself in my room for a week...

Anyway, these last ten months have been extremely hard for me and everyone else, but I'm not going to lie. It has been amazing living with the girls. I had completely forgotten what it felt like to live with girls.

"Yeah, because you've only spoiled me and taught me how to live a little. And I've grown up since I've been here. I have a different style, I'm a bit more mature, and you've taught me how to be a bit more like a lady... kinda." I giggle.

She laughs before getting up out of bed. She stretches and puts her hands on her hips. "So. You ready to see your brothers again?"

I look at her like she's gone mad. "Hell, yeah!"

I hop off her bed and run next door to my bedroom to get dressed and ready. I took a shower last night to make sure I wouldn't have to waste time doing it this morning, so all I have to do is find an outfit to wear.

I open the small closet and pick the first outfit I find: a pair of dark green skinny jeans, a silver and white top with song lyrics on it, and my white high top converse. I change as fast as I can and run to the kitchen to get something to eat.

I run through the swinging door and right into Perrie.

"Woah there, girly! Slow down a bit! Their plane doesn't arrive for another two hours, so you have plenty of time to finish getting ready and eat! It looks like you've forgotten something anyway." She says, smirking a little.

I put my eyebrows together in confusion and look down at my outfit. I look back up at Perrie just as confused as I was to begin with. "What? I'm wearing a shirt, and I'm wearing pants..."

She laughs and rolls her eyes before pointing to my head. "Your hair and makeup, sweetie."

My mouth forms the shape of an 'o' in understanding. I run out of the kitchen and back down the hallway to my room. I switch the light on and go into the bathroom to fix up my hair and do my makeup.

I brush my hair out and throw it into a messy bun. I put on natural makeup like I always do and run back to the kitchen.

Eleanor comes in as I'm pouring myself a glass of orange juice and taking a muffin from a plate on the kitchen island. She grabs one and watches me in shock as I basically inhale my muffin.

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