Chapter 15: Secret Revealed

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Here's the chappie like I promised! It's kind of like another half to the last chapter, so this one will probably be just as short, maybe a little longer, but I dunno. But anyways, enjoy! (: xx



Zayn's POV

I wake up with a crick in my neck and my back is aching. Aren't I bit young to have these problems? Ah, whatever.

I look over and remember I stayed in Carrie-Lee's room last night. She was still cuddled up to my side sleeping peacefully.

I look over at the digital clock on the nightstand. It reads 10:18 AM. Well, I'm up, so I guess I'll go downstairs to see if the lads are awake yet. I carefully move Carrie-Lee over off me and get out of bed. I pull the duvet over her and kiss her lightly on the forehead before walking out. I am still in the same clothes as the day before, so I go to my room to take a shower. When I finish, I put on a black v-neck and a pair of black skinny jeans. I style my hair into my regular quiff and walk downstairs to get breakfast. When I walk in, Liam is reading the newspaper, Niall is searching through the refrigerator, and Louis has just walked in the kitchen with wet hair.

"Morning, Zayn!" Liam greets me cheerfully.

"Morning." I mumble giving him a small smile.

Liam frowns a bit. "What's going on, mate?"

I sigh heavily. I have to tell all the lads, but I guess I could start with the three staring at me worriedly right now.

"Well... Carrie-Lee is a bit... upset at the moment because she's getting loads of hate on Twitter. She scrolled through a ton of it last night." I trail off not knowing of what else to say.

"Oh god..."


"Harry's going to shit bricks when he finds out."

"What will I shit bricks about?"

Speaking of the devil himself, Harry comes walking in the kitchen with his mop of curls wet. He's dressed in black skinny jeans and a white v-neck. He has a confused look set on his face and you can tell from looking at his eyes that he is worried.

"Well... uhh... um.." Liam tries to speak, but doesn't know how to say it. We all know Harry is going to be extremely pissed off when he finds out about Carrie-Lee getting hate. I haven't even told them about what happened last night, but I know it would make matters worse.

"Well, um, Haz... apparently Carrie-Lee has gotten loads of hate, and she saw it on her Twitter last night." Louis explains to him slowly and calmly, trying his best to keep him calm as well.

"Ah fuck... I knew this shit was going to happen!" He yells in frustration, slamming his fist down on the counter.

"Harry, that's not even the worst of it! You should've seen her last night! I heard someone crying and when I walked in her room, she was full on sobbing! I had no idea what was going on until she gave me her phone! All I saw was hate, hate, hate! She was absolutely heart broken because of all the things people were saying to her! Do you know what she asked me? She asked me why everybody hated her!" I lost it after his outburst. It just pains me to even think about what she looked like last night. That was a sight that I never in my life wanted to see again.

Harry looks even more pissed than before, but it was nothing compared to what Niall looked like. He had tears threatening to spill over and his face was bright red. His fists were clenched so hard that his knuckles were white. Before we realize what is happening, he turns and punches the wall next to him, then bolts up the stairs.

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