Chapter 10

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Claire’s POV

What did I just do? I swear, I think that wasn’t me out there. I should be hating him and now I’m giving him a chance to change? What is wrong with me? Am I slowly giving in to him? I shouldn’t be. I could end up telling him my secret, no, that will not happen. The two days will pass by real easy and after that, we get back to our lives. Harry can just be a distant friend, a far-off memory.

How bad can two days be?

It starts now, right? That’s what he said. Two days of Harry Styles without pulling my hair out at him, this is gonna have to take some skill, trying to give him a chance. Any girl would die to be in my place right now, and I’m here, hating this situation. Why did this even happen to me anyway? The girl who just happened to hate his guts was just unfortunately stuck with him for two whole days, starting now.

Just great.

I washed up again because I was sticky from jogging and all the sweat that i have unleashed from trying to get Harry away frome me then my phone went off irritably loud.

“Hello?” I said through the phone without even looking at who that was. “Claire,” Styles says with a tone wanting to inform me something. “What do you want?” I ask coldly.

“I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes, we’re going somewhere,” He says immediately and I was curious. “You dropped me off like twenty minutes ago and now you’re picking me up again?” I questioned and somehow I feel him smirk on the other end.

“I’m still outside,” He tells me, his deep voice ringing in my ears.

“What?” I whisper to myself and Styles heard it because I heard him chuckle. I quickly run off to my window, tugging aat the curtain, not having the courage to pull it aside yet.

He’s just scaring you, he’s not really outside; I tell myself. I opened the curtains and peeped through.

There he was, standing next to his black vehicle, his phone held close to his ear covered by his curly locks. “I can see you,” He whispers quite loudly and I let my tongue out so he can see me mad.

“Stalker,” I say plainly. “I am not! Now just go change," His voice filled with authority, making me want to disobey him. "Or you in your bath robe is very fine with me,” He continues and I see him wriggle his brows a bit and I feel disgusted at his statement. “Perv,” I say disgusted, hiding my chuckles, then close the curtains and checking it twice so I could change in peace.


I went down the stairs extra slow to piss Styles. I got down in five minutes or what should have been one. “Finally,” He breathes out as I went to him. “Don’t be such a baby!” I mock him. “I am not!” He shrieks like a baby and pouts a cute pout. I laugh at his response and he feels defeated which makes me laugh even more. “Where are we going Styles?” I ask him between laughs.

“You know what? I don’t know,” I drop my jaw in shock and he looks down on me with an apologetic look on his face, making me give in, but i'm too good for that.

“I went through all that trouble and you don’t even know where we’re going!?” I bursted in anger and he gave me a sorry face. “I mean, you could still think while I was still going down, and that was five minutes for Pete’s sake!” I turned to him and he really gave his sincere sorry look.

“I’m sorry; I just thought you can think of somewhere better to go than my ideas. I care what you think, you should know that,” I stopped my anger and felt a slap was left on my face for not letting him finish. I then felt touched by his last statement. I felt that he really did care about what I think, that’s why this two day challenge was made, so he could change what I think of him. I should be the one sorry for not listening to him. I must’ve looked like an idiot, bursting out and all without letting him end. And I have to admit, I did exaggerate a few moments ago.

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