Chapter 16

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Claire's POV

I feel someone shake me as I slowly wake up from my deep slumber. I slowly open my eyes, one at a time until I my eyes met a smiling face. "Thank God you woke up, I've waited forever," He breathes a sigh as my eyes met his and a smile crept up my face.

"We're here, let's go," He stands me up as I regain consciousness and realize where I am. I almost forgot my baggage until I noticed Harry carry them for me and think, he is the sweetest boy I've ever met.

I don't know why I hated him before; I must've been hit by a car at that thought. Yes, being cheeky and arrogant is his nature, but he has that soft side you can't forget. That unforgettable contagious smile he's got that has that's strong effect on you that leaves you in awe -well, for me of course. Man, I've fallen for him harder than I could ever imagine. He's just- he's perfect, perfect in my eyes. People see him differently, everyone thinks he's absolute perfection, but he's got flaws that make him human yet he's perfect in my eyes and I don't care what people say.

We got off the plane and I gulp at the echoes of screeching girls and step back, this intimidates me very much. Harry then holds my hand and squeezing it gently for comfort. "Relax, I got you," And I relax a bit, hearing the words that came out of his mouth as we both wore our shades. I just hope no one knows me here. Fingers crossed.

As expected, there were fans mobbing us, thank goodness Paul is here or else we'll be crushed, hard. Now I know how Harry and the boys still manage to stay alive. As we go through the sea of people, Harry grips my hand tighter and tighter, careful not to let go of me and I let my head down, as to not get noticed. Finally we reached the exit of the airport then Harry and the boys lead me to a van ready for them. I finally got in and they closed the door before me and the driver had trouble driving for the fans were blocking the way, trying their best to get at least a glimpse of the boys.

"Do you really get this much reception?" I look at them, their gazes stuck on their fans while they wave at them. "Yeah, that was massively crazy, right?" Niall laughs hyper, maybe he's always like this. "Since you decided to come with us, you have to get used to this," Harry turns to me, his gaze met mine and he places his hand slowly over mine and I can't control my hormones doing triple back flips inside of me now.

After a few minutes, the driver got rid of the huge crowd and was able to drive swiftly again, though some fans are really dedicated, they were tailing us behind, and man, they were fast.

I looked out the window, deep in thought. This could actually work; get my normal life back, starting fresh here in America. New identity, new everything and forget about my life back in England. They don't need me; my grandma can run the country smoothly like what she did before I came in the picture and caused more trouble. She can get anyone better than me to be heir to her throne. She can get Megan for that job, she'd be perfect. I never chose being a princess, they chose me instead.

"It'll be alright," Harry squeezes my hand with small force though filled with so much care as he's eyes are smiling and it reaches his lips. I do hope so.


"You did great boys!" I screeched from the backstage as the show was done and I get to hug Harry again. "Liked it?" He chuckled as I feel his chest vibrate and I look up to his sweaty features and nod a yes. "Party time?" Niall interrupted us, laughing at how the crowd went wild tonight and headed to change as we were going on their first afterparty here in the States. I parted from Harry as he kissed my temple and grabbed his clothes to change to a better outfit. I was wearing a plain purple dress that was in my wardrobe and I just thought of wearing it because it was getting old.

As Harry went back with fresh clothes, he looks mighty fine whatever he wears. "You look stunningly beautiful yourself," He grins as he eyes me from head to toe, as if reading my mind. "I was wearing this since the show started," I told him and he chuckled. "I just feel like you deserve being praised more," He stands close to me as his hands go up my waist as he keeps me close to him and I feel myself blush pink at his compliment.

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