Chapter 30 (Part 1)

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Claire's POV

People keep on bumping me and screaming on top of their lungs like it's their last life. What was everyone's problem? Maybe it was just an electrical breakout or something like that. No need to worry at all. It will be back very soon. I'm sure of it.

For a moment there, I saw a beam of shining light directed towards the large wooden doors to my entrance a while ago. Maybe I was just hallucinating.

Maybe not, because everyone else saw it too. The big doors open slowly and to my surprise, I see him, right here, right now. Looking as perfect as ever.


The lights came back on as he entered without a problem, like he just wanted to enter on his own free will. He looked stunning in a tux with his black bowtie. I can't believe I cocked my head to side to examine him fully and the smile on my face was wide and he struck me in the heart once he found me in the crowd and put on a smile himself.

He walked up to the front, on the platform. Not bothering to come near me but his eyes were locked on me in the middle of the room. Up behind him were also dressed in the tux, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis... and Prince Harold. Why was he with them?

On the stage, it was different; it didn't have the thrones where they were before. They were replaced with instruments, a piano, guitar, and microphones. They all stood in their respective places as was at the bottom of the stage with his microphone and Prince Harold found me in the crowd.

"What's happening?" I ask him, nudging with my elbow as he took me out of the crowd and beside my dad.

"You'll see," Was all he said, looking at his face, he had a cheeky smile on while his hands were behind his back and looking at what Harry will be doing. What's happening?

"I'm sorry, your highness, but they just barged in. We'll take him out now!" Five guards went in behind them, one of them pointing at the five at the front of the room. I looked at my dad, pleading with my eyes as I searched for an answer in his. He only gave me a smile and with that, I knew what to do.

"No, it's alright. You may go now." I order the guards and their five faces were filled with confusion. "But-"

"I said, you may go. Now go." I tell them kindly and still their faces were puzzled but they understood and followed my order. "Yes, your highness." They bow their heads and head for the door as two guards closed the doors and all eyes were directed on the five boys.

Harry began speaking through his microphone, hearing his beautiful voice again felt refreshing, like I was loving him all over again.

"Good evening. I am Harry, and these are my best mates. Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis." He starts off introducing the boys one by one.

"And tonight, I will force myself to be one of the suitors to be wed to Princess Clarisse." His eyes were on me as Louis played the piano and Niall started playing with his guitar.

"Dad," It seemed like I was asking dad if he knew anything about this, and from the looks of him looking at Harry talking, his smile explained that he absolutely has no idea about this. I was about to go to Harry to ask what he's doing, but an arm was put in front of me, keeping me from doing so.

"No, let him continue." Dad smiles at me, clearly enjoying Harry. I smile at him and stop myself and just watch Harry with a wide smile creeping up on my face.

My dad never saw Harry like how he is seeing him now. What changed his mind this time?

The music was still playing and Harry hasn't started singing yet. Yet he was going towards the direction where me and dad were at. He didn't approach me, but my dad.

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