Chapter 20

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Claire's POV

Everytime I'm with Harry, every moment counts and I make sure to etch those moments in my mind. They are just as priceless as him and I wouldn't want anyone else. We've always thought that a princess and a popstar would never work out, but magically it did. I don't know how we did it, but we did, and it was all worth it. Escaping the palace to be with Harry is worth it if I'd be with him. They don't know Harry better than me, my grandma is wrong, and I thought dad was on my side but I was wrong. If they don't accept Harry, then there's no reason to come back to the palace and take my throne.

Today was the end of the tour, and before Harry's sound check, we go out to eat after a long day of his rehearsals.

What'll happen when the tour is over? He'll come back to UK and there, the possibility of the palace finding me is getting closer. What will I do? I can't just stay here in the US, and I most definitely won't come back to my apartment, they might have that in lock down, guarding if I ever come back, but I won't, I definitely won't. And I don't want to bother Harry's bonding with his family, him being my bodyguard. We've talked about this for more than I can remember and so far, we've never managed to get an answer. I'm so thankful that I have Harry, he understands me and I love that because, truth be told, no ever did do that to me, but my mum and Jess.

"What is this place?" I ask him, and he looks down at me, a sweet grin playing on his lips. "I really like this place, not much people so we can have our privacy," He grips my hand and squeezes it gently and I follow him to the table. I can see why he likes this place, I like the design of the interior and it took us a while to get here, so there were only really few people.


We make small talk until we both stop when the waitress lady comes in and takes our orders. Her eyes tell that she wants Harry, but I'm not jealous or anything. I just laugh at how she struggles for Harry to notice her. The girl's very noticeable cleavage and crayon-studded face is so hard to miss, not to mention her outfit exposing too much and those heels, my gosh she's not meant to be a waitress. "What do you want, sir?" She scoots closer to Harry, making sure that he sees her breasts but he never acknowledges, he just smiles at me, while I chuckle slightly at how stupid she is.

"I'll have a burger, please," He replies without looking at the menu and the waitress girl doesn't look satisfied at the way he doesn't even try to look at her. She throws a soft groan then turns to me. "What do you want?" She's so pissed off, and it's just so funny, I can't hold back and she just gets annoyed even more. "I'll have whatever he has," I smile and she nods then storms out of our table.

"Why didn't you help me there? I was about to die!" He chuckles afterwards and it looks like he was holding back his laughter as well. "She was funny! She wants you good," I tell him and he eyes her from the counter so I turn my head too, she's given us that pissed off look again. "She'll never get me, I'm taken," His eyes are glistening with happiness as he said the words. "Its looks like she won't care if you're taken," I shrug my shoulders and I look into his face, filled with sheer shock.

"Do you not want me?" He snaps and I chuckle, I know he's joking around, his eyes aren't as dark as if he were mad. "Nah, she can have you," I say nonchalantly and I see him clench his chest for dear life in fake hurt. He then sends me a pout reaching his big puppy eyes that is just stupid and adorable at the same time.

"Of course I want you! Why would I not?" I cup his face with my hands and peck his lips until I pull back. He smiles and pulls his hands out to also cup my face but it was him to kiss me, a long possessive kiss, long enough so the waitress lady could see. His lips move in sync in with mine in a passionate kiss until I pull back out of breath. "You're mine," I mutter as he presses his forehead with mine and our noses were brushing. "I'm yours, completely yours," I see his jade orbs, brighter as ever as he pulls some of my hair behind my ear and steals one final kiss before the waitress comes back with our orders. She turns to Harry once more and gives a seductive look, until I step up,

"Get away from my boyfriend," I snap at her and she huffs and leaves us alone for good. "Lou's sass has rubbed off on you, I like it," He gazes at me, totally impressed that I somewhat mimicked Louis so I giggle. "You told me to help you and so I did," I tell him and he smiles.


We eat the burger and he turns to me, his brow raised in a quizzical look. "Do princesses usually eat, not with bare hands?" He mumbles through the food filling his mouth. "Don't men usually talk with their mouth full?" I snap back again and he smiles. "Touché baby girl," He cackles and we both continue to eat in silence.

Minutes later, I feel my phone buzz in my trousers so I get it and open a message from under the table.

From: Jess

I'm so sorry Claire.

What was that about? Why is she sorry?

"You alright, baby girl?" Harry swallows his food before talking. "N-Nothing, Jess just texted," I say, locking the phone and putting it back in my pocket. "Let me see," He gestures for my phone and I retrieve it back from my pocket and give it to him as he was sipping his usual Apple juice. His face had this sort of the same cluttered look on my face, scrunching his brows. "What's that about?" He soon asks seconds later, handing me back my phone. "I know right? It's kinda creepy, she hasn't texted me in forever," I shrug and the feeling of worry is starting to take over me.

What's happening in the palace? I haven't heard from them since that news at the club. Have they finally surrendered that they will never find me? In your dreams, my mind told me. They will never stop until they find you. But what if-. They will always find you, you know they will never stop. Oh, just forget about it, maybe Jess just happened to do something in your room at the palace or broke anything for her to text you 'sorry'. But she would never text unless it was important, right? What's so important about the text?

"Hey," Harry's hand snap in front of my face, causing me to stop the argument going on in my head. "I'm sorry, I was thinking," I shake my head to get the thought out. "I understand," He smiles acceptingly at me, before turning to his drink. "You're blonde hair looks so good on you," He speaks before sipping on his juice and my heart just instantly flutters in my chest, but I'd like to play with him, like I always do. "I'd make you blonde," I snap, hiding my giggles as he laughs back. "You know you love my hair,"

"Of course I do, who wouldn't?" I ruffle his hair with my hands and soon it tangles through the locks. "It's good this way," He muses and I chuckle, trying to get my hands of his hair until it gets ruined.

Is it me or this whole place is empty, discarding us and the staff here, the whole place is like a ghost town. And no one is outside, awkward enough. "The whole neighborhood is quiet," He says, as if reading my mind and I nod in agreement, this place is awfully quiet and we are the only ones making a lot of noise, like we own this place.

"The show is about to start, Liam will kill me if we don't make it," He says as he stands up, reaching for my hand. I grab my blazer and purse and grab his hand, pulling myself from the chair and walk with him to the door. "Nice meeting you," I wave goodbye to the waitress as she acknowledges and waves back, nicer than before. "You're beautiful, love, just lay it down on the makeup," Harry adds to the girl and she was shocked with his statement, but soon she nods in approval, obviously taking his advice.

My phone is buzzing again. "Wait a sec," I stop halfway across the room and Harry soon stops as I did. I look at the sender: it was Jess again.

From: Jess

I am so sorry.

"Why does she keep on saying that?" Harry turns to me, his hand snaking up to my waist as he read the message. "I don't know Harry, let's just go," I look up to him, giving him the comfort in my eyes that whatever she is saying, everything will be alright, no matter what it is. I have a hunch something happened or will happen.

Still, curiosity gets the best of me. What is that all about?

Author's Note:

Cliffhanger I guess? What did you think? Good? No? Alright then.

Sorry if there are many fillers and all, i just want to make the story longer and stuff like that so, thank you for understanding :)

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