Chapter 38

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Claire’s POV

One day left.

February one tomorrow.

Harry’s birthday.

Same day as the wedding, yet Harry is still not awake, or maybe I just haven’t heard from him yet. I know I always made sure my phone was on in case someone from the group called, but no one. No text and no missed calls whatsoever. What is happening over there? I’ve called them and texted them a bunch of times and they always had the same response, ‘he hasn’t woken up yet’ or ‘he’s still asleep’ and ‘we’ll tell you if he wakes up’.

Why do I feel like they’re keeping a secret from me? Of course they won’t right? Because I know they already told me what was on their mind yesterday and so therefore I shouldn’t have anything to worry about, or should I?

 I couldn’t go to the hospital today, for the reason that it is the day before the wedding, we have wedding rehearsals and people were crowded outside the palace and they want to see me and the queen for some reason I don’t know. As much as I want to go, I just couldn’t, I don’t want to be the bratty princess anymore, I have to be a bit more mature and take on my responsibility as a princess.


“Alright places everyone! Claire you just stand behind the door and tell the guard beside you if you’re ready, got it?” Jess informed everyone especially me. She really has a way with these stuff that my grandma entrusted the responsibility of leading the wedding rehearsals to her. I nod to her happily watching as she gave orders to other people with her really loud voice that could be heard from all corners of the establishment. For safety reasons, we’re practicing indoors and not in the Westminster Abbey still because of the mob formed outside but they sort of made a smaller replica of the place inside the palace so at least we could rehearse here.

“Here, pretend like you have a fake bouquet of flowers, do like this,” She pretended as if was the one getting married tomorrow and not me by the way she stood elegantly.

I haven’t heard from the parliament since yesterday that they said that they’d inform of their decision. Since I received no news yet, I’ll have to go with the flow and do the rehearsals, though I’m not sure if I’m getting married tomorrow or not, or whom I’ll be wed to.

“Alrighty now! We’ll start whenever you’re ready Claire!” She shouted from the inside of the room as I was outside. I gave the guard a small nod and he knew my order, he then muttered a few stuff through a small microphone he’s got and as if on cue a few seconds later, the wooden doors opened and the pianist played a song me and Harry suggested a while back. You and Me by Lifehouse. I loved that song so much and just hear that song bas I walked to the fake altar, it felt as if it were the real deal, but without Harry in it.

As I walked with the invisible flowers, stood up front was Prince Harry. “Since you don’t have Harry right now, I’m temporary here to replace him for now, well until he gets back.” He whispered.

“Is it okay that, you know, your grandmother?” I ask him, since I think he already knows. “I love her, and since I knew what had happened between the both of you, me and the queen, I think it’s best for her. Until she stops what she does.” He grinned and I let out a small chuckle.

“Let’s do this then,” He reached for his hand and I gracefully accepted it, pretending that this was really it, but it’s not because this is Prince Harold and not Harry.

After a few hours of rehearsals and all involved are utterly tired, Jess had finally called it a day. I actually had fun, Harold was there to make me cackle up when Jess threw a fit if some people were really bad at their jobs. It was time for Harry to go home.

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