Chapter 25

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Niall's POV

It's been weeks since the day they took Harry away, and I have to say, it's been depressing and everyone knew it. What would it feel like if I were in Claire's shoes? It'll have to be worse for her than it is for us. Our best mate has been separated from us. For Claire, it was her lover, her knight in shining armor, he was separated from her. He has sacrificed himself for her, taking in all the blame instead of Claire. I'm not cross with Claire, but it was her fault Harry was in this situation. She has also accepted that without any problem at all, she is guilty at what happened and she tried to change their mind, telling them to take her instead of him, but they just won't listen.

Both don't deserve what they're going through at the moment. They're just fighting for what they want. Both have suffered enough and the road still goes on, could it be possibly the end for the two, even I and the boys don't know, it's up to them.

The management has cancelled any and every gig and show, knowing we can't do it without Harry. We've been called to some meetings, but they normally avoid the topic of Harry being gone. I don't know why they still held interviews when the main topic in every interview is probably always Harry. For short, we have nothing to do without Harry. They stopped everything and we have nothing to do but to visit Harry, give him our full attention, he matters most at the moment and we'll be here for him until they let him out, which hasn't been specified yet, so it might be a long time.


"Hey Niall," Candace says over the phone, a happy tone surrounding her, but I'm sure will be gone once I spill the news to her. "Hey babe," I say nonchalantly so I could tell it to her calmly. "Why did you call? I mean, not that I complain," I feel her smile while saying that and I hate myself for doing this, breaking her happy streak because she's currently on tour and I never got to visit her once, but she'll be done with the tour soon and we get to be together again.

"I got something to tell you," I started off and on the other end, she was silent so I let myself continue. "It's about Harry," When it came to Harry, she should be one of the first to know because she cares for Harry so much, more than any of us here. "How are him and Claire?" He talks again, another happy tone on the other end of the line. "Not the best," It sounded more like a whisper as I didn't want to say it but I needed to. "T-They broke up? Why?" She was definitely worried now, and I haven't even told her the whole thing. What more after I told her? "They didn't break up," I hear her sigh on the other end, which made her relieved and it just made it harder for me to tell her. "But-" I cut her off again.

"Harry got arrested," Those three words were more than enough for her to stop talking. The tension of breaking it to her was definitely unbearable. "Oh God, what did he do now?" She whispered. I let out a gulp before finally telling it to her. "They arrested him for 'stealing' Claire." I emphasized the word stealing so she doesn't get the wrong impression. "What!? It was Claire's idea for Pete's sake!" She literally shouted on the other end of the line and I try to calm her down. "We know, but they won't listen, and if we protest even more, we'll get arrested as well." I tell her and she finally calmed down, but it wasn't over yet. "When will they let him go?" Her scared voice took over her as she asked me. "That we don't know." I tell her. "But we'll keep you updated," I assure her as she lets out a heavy sigh before replying. "Well, thanks Niall," She manages to keep her happy tone, she didn't want to ruin her smile at the moment it's needed now that she was on tour.

"Don't tell the fans, alright?" I ask her. "Don't worry, my mouth is shut."

"Love you,"

"Love you, babe." And with that, she hung up. It was definitely hard telling her, but she managed to understand.

How did the other lads go telling their girlfriends?

"Lou?" I step in Lou's flat as it was already open, seeing the other boys are here too. "El didn't take it well," He looked disappointed, as usual. "Same as Candace." I told him, same expressions on our faces. "Liam, El asks how's Dani doing?"

"She's alright. Taking the situations hard, but she tries to calm." Liam replies as he logs into Twitter.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask them and their faces were filled with question on where might Zayn be, again. We look all around Lou's flat, looking for the black-haired lad. A few minutes later, we find him getting out of the bathroom, a dark aura surrounding him, making all of us worry as hell.

"How's Perrie?" Was a question that dreaded Zayn. We knew that once Louis asked him and his expression became darker than it already was. He didn't answer; he just went for the couch beside Liam as he put his pone down to comfort the boy. A few seconds later, we also go to the couch to comfort Zayn on whatever his problem is. "I told her about Harry," He started and I actually don't know where this is going. Maybe Perrie took this too seriously, making Zayn like this. I just don't know, and neither do the boys.

We were all silent as we let him continue, but instead, moisture were rapidly filling his eyes as we were there, patting his back, trying to give comfort somehow.

"I don't think she's my girlfriend anymore," And with that, the Bradford lad burst into tears. But we never really got to understood him, so we need more specific information. "Come on Zayn, don't be ridiculous." Louis tries effortlessly to cheer him up, but his attempts failed as Zayn stares daggers to Louis and cries again.

"Don't mind Lou, he's just trying to cheer you up." Liam tries to reach Zayn with his words, and nothing happens. "What happened?" I ask this time, and silence fills Lou's flat until Zayn breathes a deep sigh and starts opening his mouth, hoping something comes out. "This is what she said after I told her about Harry," He pauses and slowly gains the courage to say what he has heard from Perrie's mouth a while ago.

"'Zayn, I don't think it's working for us. I'm always on tour and we don't get to meet for months now,'" He pauses and we think it's still not the end. Midway through what Perrie had said to him, he was slowly breaking. I can't believe Perrie broke up with Zayn in a phone call. And why would they break up? They were perfect, but I guess nothing lasts forever. "'I'm so sorry I just told you now, but I've found someone new, I hope you can understand, I love you Zayn'"

"Why did Perrie do this to you? You two loved each other!" Louis was fuming as Zayn finished. Louis didn't quite accept the way Perrie had broke Zayn like this, and in the most pathetic way possible, in a phone call. Zayn couldn't handle such news. Perrie should know better, she should how much he had broken him badly. The shock of the news reached us as well, knowing we were just making a phone call to the people closest to us -our girlfriends- and we end up with a broken-hearted lad.

"Has Perrie lost her mind?" Louis shrieks once more, still couldn't believe what she had done. "It's not her fault. It's the distance, we haven't gotten that much connection, that's why this happened. Just forget about it Lou." As soon as Zayn told him to shut, he did. We all knew Zayn wasn't the main priority at the moment, it was Harry.

Through all of us, Zayn had the most painful break-up. And right now, we had to be there for the two lads who are having a tough time right now. We have to be strong for the two of them.

Author's Note:

See? Another update! This is what happened to Zayn. Sorry to all the Zerrie fans out there! I just had to.. :)

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