Chapter 15

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Claire's POV

"Are you sure about this?" Jess tells me, her hands sweating at the thought of my plan.

"Of c-course I'm s-sure, what m-makes you think I'm not?" I breathe in and out fast and move my hands like I'm vigorously exercising. "You're stammering. You're nervous Claire. Are you really sure about this?" I look at her as she sees me also with sweating palms and my jittery movements.

"Well- what if-" I say with trembling knees. "You have put some thought about this Claire, you can still cancel it if you're not ready, but-"

"I'm sure, a hundred percent," I nod my head, but she doesn't seem satisfied by my answer. "Then why are you still like that? You're even more nervous than me," She laughs and I give her my death glare. This is definitely not the time for funny business. "Don't laugh! This is serious chiz," I say and she laughs once more, clearly she doesn't know how hard this is. I check my watch; it's almost time, two minutes left 'till they get here.

The time draws closer as my heart beats faster and louder, it'll probably burst out of my chest any minute in so much tension. I can't sit still because that thought kept bothering me. One small mistake can send us all in danger and it'll be my entire fault because I planned all this, and they're just helping me. I just want to leave here. I want to live a life worth living, you know? I'm a teenager and I'm not supposed to be in marriage already.


Beep, beep.

It's time. I check my watch once again to make sure I'm not mistaken. I look at Jess and she also knows it's time. I gulp down a big lump in my throat and let out a big sigh. Okay, I'm ready. I give Jess a nod signaling her that I am indeed ready.

I get down the palace using a vine that was conveniently there, thank goodness. I went down slowly but surely because one slip from me can cost us everything. Okay, I'm almost down. Don't look down, look at Jess upstairs. I tell myself. I look up and see Jess with my bags, giving me a wide smile of encouragement as I slowly reach the ground.

My one foot then reaches the ground and thank goodness I'm down, I thought I'd never be. I then gave Jess a 'thumbs up', signaling her to drop my bags. She immediately threw them through the window and I might as well try to catch them, without making a big thud, but unfortunately, I wasn't that accurate at catching stuff, more or less heavy luggage.

"Good luck!" She whisper-shouted, her head sticking out of the window, giving me a supportive smile and I smile back. I really do hope that this would work.

Good thing there aren't that many guards tonight, some of them are sleeping, thank goodness! I crawled on the grass slowly and hid behind the bushes when I feel anyone moving. I'm almost to my destination, just a few more; I can make it out of here in no time.

I already see the van. I hide behind another bush again before going. The coast is still clear, I tell myself like I'm in some spy movie. I walked towards it and knocked on the car door.

A few seconds later, a happy Bradford boy opened the door and waved a hello, making me giggle like crazy at how stupid he was. "Come on!" Liam ordered us, his face serious chiz as I tried to get my bag to the van. I quickly entered next and they closed the door. I sat near the window beside Harry, breathing heavily, trying to slow down my pulse rate, which was going massively crazy.

"Hi," Harry's voice brushes my ears, making my system tingle and smile involuntarily. Before I could even say hello back to Harry, Liam speaks up. "Are you sure-"

"Oh, for goodness sakes Liam, I know I'm sure, for the hundredth time," I say, tired of the same questions, and the nervousness and the pressure taking over me. "Okay then," He nods and the whole atmosphere then starts being quiet throughout the car ride to the airport.

Thank goodness there're no fans at 3am, just us and other people who are also having their flight at this hour.

While in the waiting area, Harry sits beside me and offers his hand, and I take it without thinking. I then place my head on the crook of his neck as he rubs small circles on my hand to soothe me and so far, it's working.

I hear the intercom tell our flight after what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, we finally stood up and grabbed our luggage. I didn't have enough energy to lift my bag because most of them were drained and left back there at the palace. I could feel myself showering in sweat in tension I don't know why. I groaned, trying my best to lift the bag but then I felt it was as light as a feather, I didn't even have to carry it. I look up to see Harry putting the luggage over his shoulders and I feel myself stare and drool at this well-toned biceps. Whoa. I say to myself. Oh, stop it; someone might watch you drool over him. I look around to see if someone is doing so, and stop looking and walk with them to the plane.

"Sit beside me, Claire," I look to the direction of someone's voice and look down to see Harry patting the seat next to him near the window. I smile and nod at him, sitting beside him. He scoots aside as I get to my seat and sit down, feeling more relaxed than ever. "You must be tired," He tells me.

"No kidding," I try to make a joke and he laughs effortlessly as he lets my head rest on his shoulders as he strokes my hair ever so gently, his head on top of mine as we both drifted into sleep, while waiting for this flight to end. I just love this. I want to be like this forever in his strong arms. Oh, I just hope he feels the same way, more than just a best friend and a brother to me.

Author's Note:

Vote? Tap that like Lou's bum xD jk. Vote and Comment. I appreciate them :)

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