Chapter 30 (Part 2)

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Claire's POV

I looked at Harry, sweat dripping on his face as his work paid off in the end.

My dad accepted him.

I quickly ran to him, like in those movies, where the both of you run in each other’s arms. Well, that’s exactly what happened. I ran into his arms and he caught me, spinning me around as I lifted my feet in the air. He dropped me down a few spins later and his eyes gazed mine. Moisture was forming in my eyes as Harry wiped them for the second time tonight. It was only seconds later that our bodies pressed against each other, our foreheads meeting and out noses brushing against each other. Milliseconds later, he pressed his luscious lips into mine as I ran my fingers up his curly curls, and he held me by the waist. Everyone cheered once more and stopped as we did. I just giggled at the scene we just both made.

I let go of Harry’s hand as I went to where my dad was at and Harry went with the boys, all have smiling faces. I ran to my dad and he caught me, giving me a bear hug. “Dad!” I hugged him for dear life and thanking him for finally accepting Harry. “You deserve him. And you know what, I did that to your mum when I proposed.” He chuckled at the sweet memory of him and mum. She was still there in his heart, and even if she passed, he still had me and I had him back.

I processed what dad had said just now. He proposed to mum with the same song. That’s why this song had a special meaning to it. It was a lovely song.

People congratulated me as they went to where I was. They had very lovely comments but they all meant the same thing, they were all proud of mine and Harry’s relationship. They were happy that they knew a relationship like ours. Some even wanted to have the relationship him and I have. That fairytale-like story. That Harry went through all this trouble, to gather all the courage to go here uninvited and propose in front of the thousands of people in the ballroom, and hoping they’d accept him. And they did. But one person.

The crowd went silent as the big wooden doors open, revealing the queen as she walked to the front of the room. The people tensed up and me and dad hurried to sit back to our seats. She went for a microphone and began talking into her usual formal self.

She looked different from when I saw her earlier. She looked fresher and her bloodshot eyes were gone, like nothing had happened to her and she acted more professional than ever. “From what had happened earlier, the three suitors had already presented themselves, including the one who managed to join at the last minute, Harry Styles.” I saw my grandma smile as she said his name and Harry waved and the room was filled with claps for him.

She smiled.

Was this enough evidence that grandma had already accepted him?

“I have to say, these two have been through a rough ride. And now, here they are before the both of you, both madly in love, heck this boy even barged in the palace to propose to the princess here. I’ve been really hard on the both of them, I didn’t listen to my granddaughter ad I owe her an apology for that. I want to make it up to her by accepting this lovely lad right here. They are meant to be.” And with that, she held both mine and Harry’s hands and she pulled us close to each other as the crowd erupted in cheers.

My grandmother turned to Harry as he looked at her back at her, having their own eye conversation. What were they talking about in their minds? My grandma smiled at him as Harry reciprocated the gesture with a nod.

With that, Harry faced me while he searched for something in his coat pocket. He reached back out with a red velvet box that I’ve seen earlier. He opened the box to reveal the silver ring. He held out the ring. It was simple yet it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. It was elegant, and it was special. I noticed an engraving inside the ring. It was written ‘Claire & Harry’ and as he turned the ring, there was another engraving, this time it was ‘Forever & Always’. It was personalized for the both of us. It was absolute perfection. I looked at Harry as tears streamed down my face again.

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