Chapter 31

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Song: God Gave Me You - Bryan White :)


Harry’s POV

This was it. I couldn't believe it.

I’m going to get married to the love of my life in a few weeks. Woah, I'm getting married, let it sink in Harry, you can do it.

I can’t believe it all changed in a song. The song I sang that I knew had a deep meaning not only to her but also to her father. I knew from the time I listened to the song, I knew the meaning of the song suited our once current situation, I wasn’t definitely going to let her get married lonely, am I? I know she slowly drifted away from me the weeks I wasn’t with her because how much I tried, I couldn’t do anything at the time. I tried to think of escaping, but that would lead to more time behind bars and farther away from Claire.

Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who work for it.

That one day Prince Harold visited me. The one day he did visit me, I didn’t even know he knew me but I knew him perfectly, he was supposed to be the man to marry Claire.I knew he didn’t love her as much as I do, but I do trust him. Still, even though I trust him, I couldn’t bear him with her, I know she’s better off if she was with me. I’d never forgive myself if she was with another, even though he had no intention whatsoever.

He visited me one day along with the boys, and with that he told me all about Claire’s condition, and it wasn’t the best, that’s for sure. “She’s not alright.” Was what he said, summing up everything about her at the moment. I could only imagine her, bloodshot eyes, frizzled hair and everything in between. She was in the worst condition, and seeing her now, she was different, because I was finally here. She was about to give up, until she saw me again. That little something inside of her started to ignite again and the once piece lost in her was finally back, and not to boast, but that is me.

I never thought that my life was this now. I have never expected any of what's happening to me now to happen back then. At first, my life changed because of me joining the X Factor, it was quite risky that I did it but I had to do it just to try it out, you'll never know once you try and if you fail, try and try until you get it. With that, here I am now, performing in front of thousands of people night after night and doing what I love most with four of my best mates who have undergone the same situations as me. Here we are now, how did we deserve this you may ask? Hardwork and determination, it all paid off  and with that, I was never the same again. Then I met Claire, Princess Clarisse of England, heiress to the throne, royalty. To me, she could want any boy in the world. Maybe she wanted someone more than me, someone more handsome or more than a gentleman as me, well-trained like a prince. Or maybe she preferrs the normal lad, a simple one, one who has time to spend with her, someone not in the spotlight or isn't a celebrity so they could have a close, prvate relationship. But no, she chose me, Harry Styles. A popstar, known in every corner of the globe even though it doesn't really have corners. She didn't love the Harry Styles, she just fell in love with simple Harry she met at a shoe store. Someone she once didn't trust in anything but learned to do so as the time went by.

I want her to keep trusting me with all her heart and I will make sure that she does deserve me and she won't have to look for another because I'm the only one for her, we match perfectly, like two puzzle pieces completing a perfect picture.


“You have to tell the whole world what you’re doing.” The voice in my head told me the day after I was engaged. And by the whole world, I mean my fans. They’re a big part of my world and I need to tell them about the other large part going on in my world, that I wasn’t going to be single anytime soon. I know it’ll kill them once I spill them the news, but if they’re really our fans, they’d understand and let me be happy or once in my life. I’ve hid my relationship with Claire for a long time, and slowly it was coming out. So why not tell them now before they found it themselves?

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