Chapter 35

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Claire’s POV

Harry’s in the hospital.

Harry’s in the hospital.

I dropped everything I’m doing and dragged Jess along to see Harry even before I could completely process the staement going on in my head. . “Where are you-“ I cut her off, even before my grandmother finished her question. “Harry is in the hospital I gotta go!” I scream at her as tears blinded my vision. I don't really know where I'm going."Hey, what-" I bumped into something hard and he or she held my wrists, wanting me to stop but I couldn't. "Harreh... Is in.. the hosital." I hiccup ever few words. “Hey shh, it’s alright,” Jess tries to comfort me as they drive us to the hospital. “Alright? It’s not alright. Okay, Harry is in the hospital, something went wrong with him! That is not alright!” I cry out and she hugged me. “Just calm down, we know he won’t be happy if you don’t.” She was right, Harry didn’t always want me worrying about him, he wanted it the other way around. He was always one to make everyone smile but he's also one that doesn't want anyone to worry about him. How could the fans? How could I do it? Why was he just so... special to people. :Like an angel sent to us, making us happy and doesn't want anything in return. I tried to stop my sobs but I just couldn’t. I was also quivering in my seat as I can’t stay still. The fact that something went wrong is anything but good.

“Harry Styles, he was sent a few minutes ago.” Jess told the lady on the desk as I was still trying to gain composure to even speak. She held me very still as I keep on hiccuping. “Harry Styles, walk that hallway,” She pointed to her left and I came sprinting, Jess chasing close as I finally stopped on my tracks. On the seats were Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Paul. Their heads buried in their hands. Paul, who was standing up pointed at me to Louis signaling my appearance. “What happened?” I asked, all our faces painted worry all over it. At first, none had the guts or are currently in the right thinking to speak up, but Liam stand up. “In the middle of a song we were performing, Harry just collapsed on the floor.” Liam told me as he looked sadder than ever. I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears as I sat down beside the four boys. All four boys gave me a pat on the back as I tried to speak.

“Harry. I told him to take a break with the wedding plans but he doesn’t want to listen, he wants to do it even though he’s more than tired. That’s why he collapsed.” They continued patting my back as Liam began to speak. “We told him that too, he’s just that guy who doesn’t want to let anyone down. He also has his limits but he doesn’t want to stop there.”

“I’m sure he’ll be alright.” Niall adds, eating a chocolate bar to calm himself. “This is all my grandma’s fault.” I groaned to myself silently. “What?” Louis asked. “N-Nothing,” I cough to push that topic aside. “No, you said something, you can tell us.” Zayn added and with that, I spilled it.

“The wedding will be on Harry’s birthday, grandma didn’t know a thing about it she put it there, exactly on the wedding day, on the spot Harry is going to make his decision whether to pick you guys or us.” I spoke as softly as I could and the expressions on the boys’ faces were more than surprised. “What? Why on the spot?” Niall choked on his treat as he began coughing and coughing, Louis helping him out. “I think she wants to pressure Harry into picking us, I don’t know why she would do such a thing. I never told Harry because if I did, that would influence his decision, and that’s not fair.” I bury my head in my hands again as my hands catch the tears leaving my eyes. “And Harry being the sweetest guy he could be, he wants to spend with both sides. He should just make his decision before the wedding so he doesn’t get hurt like he is now. I know I will understand if he chooses you guys over me. I know you all are important to him as the same way around. But my grandma, if he chooses you guys, I will be married to Prince Harold then and there.” I finished my statement.

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