Chapter 11

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Bre Rush POV


She's out there alone and it's all because of me. I started to cry  and ran out the door of the hotel room. I knew I would screw something up, I always do. I always ruin everyones chances.

I didn't know where to go or what to do. A few people were conversing in the hallway and gave me a weird stare as I passed them crying. Aislyn, Caleb, Sam, Scott, Avi, Kevin, and Mitch were all yelling for me but I completely ignored them and kept running.

My phone was buzzing and it was Caleb. For the first time in my life, I purposely ignored his call. Huge mistake.

I ran down the flights of stairs until I reached the lobby. I need to find her. It's all my fault and I need to get to her. The lobby was filled with people in gowns and tuxs, all of them were staring at me. I flipped all of them off and ran out the doors. The cool air hit me like a wall of bricks.

An idea sparked in my mind. Maybe Matt saw her! He came out right after me. Thank god I asked for his number. I walked into a dark alleyway so that none of my friends would find me and try to stop me from looking for her.

My phone was going off like crazy. I had many texts from Scott and Sam saying they were sorry and for me to come back. Most of the texts and calls were from Caleb who was asking me to come back. I quickly blocked all of them and proceeded to my contacts. I found Matt's name and hit call. He answered in a few rings.

Matt: Hey, I'm kind busy right now.

Me: It's important! I need to talk to you! Please!

Matt: Fine, meet me here.

He texted me an address and I put it in Google maps. It was about 20 minutes walking but I could get there in 10 minutes if I ran. I started to run as fast as I could, not even bothering to watch where I was going. Cars and people stared at me and it made me run even faster.

I approached a weird abandoned building and it seemed pretty empty. Maybe, he had given me the street over because he was confused for something. I texted Matt.

Me: Hey, um I think you gave me the wrong address. I'm at some abandoned building.

Matt: It's right, wait there for a second and I'll be right out, okay?

I turned my phone off and set it on window ledge of the building. Minutes passed and finally a voice started to speak from behind me.

"Hey what did you need?" A low voice said from the shadows. I ran to it.

"Oh Matt! My friend I was telling you about is gone and I can't find her. I think you might've seen her because maybe you left at the same time!" When the low voice stepped out of the shadows, it was Matt and a few other people I recognized. "Why are they with you? They are the people who beat me up...."  He laughed and waved at something behind me. I turned around and a few people closed in on me from the back.

"I knew you'd figure this out, but not this soon! I thought you were stupider." He pulled something metallic looking out of his pocket and pointed it at me. "Where's your phone?" I stuck my hands in the air, I was shaking in fear. I pointed to the window sill and he nodded.

"Marco, Jack, take it and put the bug on it. The bug where it wipes all traces of us on the phone and the phones bills and history. Put it on the other side of town and remember to sanitize it for no traces of our fingertips. Okay?" The both of them nodded and pulled out a some devices. A circular object was shoved against the side of my head. I immediately knew it was a gun.

Some of the thugs held my hands behind my back and tied rope really tight around them so I couldn't escape. I screamed and kicked but one of them punched me in the stomach, really hard. I fell to my knees and the gravel dug into them.

I was led into the building and a few lights were strung around the room. The men pushed me to the floor and I could feel blood escaping from my body. They laughed and then quickly picked me up again. A few of the men left and the others still were making me walk. Tears escaped from my eyes and they just laughed at me.

"Here we are,darling." One of them said pushing me at a door which I hit with full force. All of them laughed.

"Open it." One of them laughed. I shivered and tried to grasp the door handle but failed.

I gruffed. "I can't." They laughed and spat at me.

"Pathetic, you always were. You were the reason your team lost on the 'Sing-Off'! It's all your fault, haha. If it wasn't for that you could be broadway famous just like your friend here. But nope, you're just a pathetic fuck-up." They all laughed and one of them opened the door. A girl sat in a chair bloody and beaten up. When I got a closer look I realized it was Breanna.

I gasped. "You fuckers!" I tried to run at them and kick them as hard as I could but failed. One of them held me back. I kicked him in the balls and he fell to the floor in pain. Another came at me and I kicked him in the balls twice. Man, I sure do know how to fuck a person up.

I really should've just obeyed them but I didn't and one of them pulled out a gun. At first, I didn't see it so I was running at him. In seconds, I was on the ground and blood was pooling out of my wound. I looked down and screamed. It felt like a punch of iron had blown me across the room.

I guess Breanna heard the gunshot and was up because she was screaming bloody murder. "Bre! Someone help! Help her!" She cried. She was sobbing and her tears were leaking into the wound on her cheek. A man picked me up and threw me into a chair back to back with Breanna. My torso hurt like hell and blood was everywhere. Matt came into the room laughing but he stopped when he saw me.

"Get medical supplies now! We aren't supposed to kill them! The trade is going to be happening soon!" He yelled pointing out the door. A few men followed his finger and scampered out of the room. Matt walked towards me and I spit at his shoes.

I growled. "You're a fucking dick." He kicked me in the chin but nothing amounted to the unbearable pain in my torso. "What the fuck are we being traded for?" I asked and he sat at a desk in the corner of the room. I reached behind me and grabbed a hold of Breannas hands. I slid my hands around her arms until I had found the rope and started to untie the knot.

He laughed staring at his laptop. "It's a really simple trade, laborers for guns and money. We are taking you to somewhere deep in Africa, don't worry we will give you the most exquisite job there is." By the end of him talking, I had undone Breanna's knot. She did started to do the same to mine.

"Why did you pick us?" I yelled. He looked me dead in the eyes and told me.

"I want to be known and feared by all! Picking a couple people of fame ended up being a way to become world famous." Breanna had my knot untied and I stood up. She quickly did also. Matt was too zoned in on his computer to notice we had gotten free. We quietly made our way to the door and snuck out.

I barely could walk. "Breanna, run. I'll hide in this crate, I'll just slow you down. Go!" She started to cry even harder than before.

"No! I can't....I can't leave you here alone!" She whisper screamed to me. I nodded while crying myself.

"This is the only way we both can be safe! Go!" U whimpered while going into the crate. She nodded and started to run in the other direction. I closed the top of the crate so no one would see me.

She needs to hurry before they catch her. She really needs to run.

Breanna is now our only hope.

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