Chapter 10

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Breanna POV
"And the tony award goes to..." A lesser known Broadway actor started to announce. He opened the envelope slowly for "dramatic effect".

Scott and I's fingers were intertwined as he squeezed my hand. I squeezed my eyes shut, holding Scott and Sam's hands. I heard the card drop to the floor as the man scrambled to pick it up.

"Kelli O'Hara, The King and I...." He said surprised. Everyone gasped a bit but clapped.

My heart sank. I kept a bright face because I didn't want to break.

"I saw her in that show and she was amazing. Why did I ever think I could compete against these amazing ladies. Why did I ever even convince myself that I had a shot." I said breaking. I really didn't want to cry. Scott pulled me into his shoulder.

I cried a bit and then pulled myself together. I wiped my eyes as Kelli finished her speech. I plastered a smile on my face and clapped. I glanced at Scott and he placed his hand on my thigh.

I glanced over at Sam and noticed Bre wasn't in her seat.

"Sam...." I started as he noticed the tears in my eyes.

He glanced over at Bres empty seat and freaked out.

"WHERE THE HELL...???" He said glancing around the auditorium.

"She promised...." I mumbled as tears rushed to my eyes again. "Wait, what if she ran off? She won't make it in the city." I said standing up and sprinting out the doors. I've mastered the art of running in heels but had to remove them to make sure I didn't die.

"LOOK ITS BREANNA MACK!!" One of the many photographers screamed.

"Shoot.." I mumbled holding my heels in one hand and having the bright flashes go off in my face.

I noticed a small opening between a few photographers. I dropped down to my hands and knees and crawled through the limited area. I bolted up and sprinted towards a convenience store hoping she would be somewhere around there.

I endlessly walked around the area. It started getting darker and darker as the night went on. A shiver went down my spine as I reached for my phone inside my purse.

"Shit....." I said realizing I left my clutch with the guys. I kept walking as questions ran through my head.

"Why would she leave? Maybe she just faked all of this. Maybe she doesn't forgive me or herself. Maybe she hasn't changed. She always said she loved acting and I guess she still does because she had me fooled. I thought she really cared." I thought but cleared it from my mind because I knew they were wrong. Or at least I really hoped.

I glanced across the street and saw a few guys cat calling a girl. As I looked closer they started to hit and beat her up.

"Bre!" I mumbled to myself as I started to sprint across the street.

Before my foot even hit the street an arm wrapped around me picking me up from the street as another one clasped over my mouth. I tried to scream and struggle but was muffled and pulled into a dark alleyway.

I licked the mans hand to get it off my mouth. He made a disgusted noise and I tried to scream.

"You bitch...." He said slapping me across the face which shut me up quickly.

I was shoved into the trunk of a car. The door slammed and the man sped off. Luckily I wasn't tied down or anything so I could try to find something to escape.

I looked around and found nothing but a pry bar. I tried to pry the trunk open and succeeded but realized we were stopped. The car door slammed shut and I tried to quickly close the trunk so I wouldn't get caught.

"Trying to escape are we?" The man said. He dragged me out of the car and into an abandoned building.

I was tied to a chair with my hands bound with rope behind my back.

"My friend. She was getting hurt. I just wanted to save her." I said breaking down as the man walked around me.

"Your friend?" He laughed. "She's fine, once we found you we let her go."

"We?" I questioned. "There is more than one of you sick bastards...?" I said  shooting an anger filled glare at him.

"There are plenty of us." He said grinning evilly and slapping me again.

"Well as longs as my friends are fine..." I said relieved.  

"But you won't be for long..." Another man said walking through the door. There was about 15 people that walked in, and they did not look friendly.

I trembled in my chair as a few of the people circled me. One of the men came behind me and pulled something out of his pocket.

"If you don't struggle it will be so much easier..." He said placing a knife by my neck. I whimpered a bit but was too afraid to answer.

He moved around the chair and placed his hand on my thigh. He moved his hand up my thigh slowly, getting too close for comfort. I shot my legs up and kicked him.

"You bitch!" He said swinging his knife at me. The knife grazed my face and created a gash that oozed blood.

All of the men attacked after that and punched, kicked, and hurt me. Once they were pleased with their work they pushed my chair over so I fell on the ground.

I laid on the ground as the door slammed. I coughed as the metallic taste of blood coated my throat. Tears streamed down my face as I slowly drifted out of consciousness.

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