Chapter 1 - Where It Begins

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I can't believe I'm stuck doing this. Since I was 20 I've been following this family around. Why? An angel told me to. That sounds nuts? Yeah, I think so too. Well, I thought so. Now it's all true. Supposedly by the angel that has been telling me all of this, I'm also an angel. Well part of one.

I have been chasing around these Winchester men for 5 years now. This time I'm only following the oldest brother. Two years ago the younger brother fought with the father and has never came back. The oldest just went and found the youngest since the father is to them, "missing." Little do they know, he doesn't want to be found by them yet?

I am standing outside of my 1969 SS Camaro watching the fire department try to extinguish a fire that only could have been started by a Demon. The same demon that's killed my family, along with the Winchesters'. I saw the younger yet taller one of the boys look distraught as his brother looked at him and put his hand on his shoulder.

The men got into the 1972 Impala and started to drive off. I smirked and threw my cigarette down onto the ground. I got into my Camaro and started her up. She roared to life as I drove her down the highway. I know exactly where they were going. Colorado.

I made my way to Colorado and checked out things for myself at first. I have learned a lot of things in these 5 years. I've learned how to fight, stay quiet, make sure your invisible to who you're perusing, and how to hunt. Thanks to the angel's talking to me on my shoulder half the time, I learned more than the Winchesters. I only swore to never tell them or I'll be on my own and helpless.

I was in a hotel just sitting down looking through all these clippings of what I see as a Wendigo. These dumb people keep saying it's a bear. The boys will easily figure this one out. They have not come in counter with one of these guys before but they will now. I heard a creak and instnatly drew my gun pointing it in the direction. There stood Castiel in his meat suit. I rolled my eyes putting my gun on the table and sitting down.

"Hello there Nikki." Cas said to me.

"Well Hi there Cas. Such a pleasant surprise." I smirked before rolling my eyes again and looking back at the paper. I have to get a lead before these guys do.

"You are not to interfere with this. Sam needs to get back into hunting."

"I sit back again and watch?"

"Actually I'm thinking you take a week off." Cas said sitting down across from me. I scoffed.

"Sure, what am I suppose to do. Drink?" I smiled thinking about a nice hot juicy bacon cheeseburger and a nice cold beer.

"If you prefer. I'd like to see you in Nazareth Pennsylvania by Thanksgiving. That's when they'll need you." Cas said. I turned around and looked at my notes. When I turned back around he was gone. I sighed. Great.

I got all my stuff and started to pack up. It's going to be a long road trip for me. It's November 8th already and I need to be there by the 27th. Great. I sighed slugging my bag over my shoulder. I opened up the door and then turned to lock it. I opened up my trunk and threw my bag in. I shut it and then started to walk towards the people who just let me rent the room when I bumped into someone. I instantly scowled but when I turned and glanced to see who it was I dropped my keys.

It was Dean Winchester. The older brother. He had bumped into me because both of us were not looking. His dirty blonde/ light brown hair looked wonderful as his cheek bones stuck out. He squinted his eyes towards me since that made him look in the sun but I noticed as his eyes glanced over every inch of my body. Now I've been spotted and will not be unseen. Manwhore of the year is going to remember me.

"I'm sorry. I must have not been looking out where I was going but I wish I was." Dean smirked.

"It's alright." I told him. I was going to walk away.

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