Chapter 18 - Rise Up

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"Die you demon bitch!" I growled. The demon then screamed and was gone. I then felt like something hit me and rejuvenated part of me. I looked around and nothing was there so maybe it was just me ganking this bitch.

Its four months since I have seen Dean die. It's been a little less since I've seen or even talked to Sam. He won't answer his phone or anything. I was close to Bobby's and was going to stop in. He and I have gotten very close but for about two months I've been missing in action as he says.

Castiel and I have worked on my powers. I've learned so much more and have used it to help me but I remember telling Dean I wouldn't use them. I only will in a live or die emergency. I've also used it when I was pissed off when a demon would talk about my family or Dean.

I was driving towards Bobby's blasting music when my phone started to ring. It was a number I didn't know. Somebody must need help or is screwing with me again. I sighed and turned my music down before picking it up.

"Hello?" I answered nice.

"Nikki. Thank god. Bobby hung up on me and Sam's phone, well it's not working." My eyes went wide hearing this voice but it couldn't be. He is dead.

"Who the hell is this?" I asked.

"Nikki it's me. Dean." He answered.

"Ok, nice try assholes. Call one more fucking time." I growled.

"Wait!" He said but I hung up.

My hands gripped my steering wheel ever so tightly. This is not the first time someone has done this to Bobby and me. The rest of the ride there I was pissed and heated. My powers were coursing through me but I knew how to keep them under control and bring them up now.

When I got to Bobby's I parked towards the back and walked right inside. He was in the kitchen getting a beer and looked at me and knew something was up.

"Who pissed on your grave?" He asked me.

"Another one of those prank calls. Also got a demon today. One more down." I said. He handed over a beer and I opened it.

"I got one of them today too. I have no clue what the hell this person is thinking." Bobby said.

"Doesn't this person know us well enough that we will hurt them if they keep doing this?" I asked as I went into the living room.

Bobby didn't answer. I just put my bag on the desk and took out my laptop looking at all the possible jobs that could be coming up. I was not finding much. I heard a knock at the door but didn't listen. I went to go to the bathroom. When I was using the restroom I started hearing wrestling. Bobby's in trouble. He might need help.

I finished up as quickly as I could and grabbed my gun. I slowly walked around the corner in the living room to see a man with a knife. I quickly moved close behind him and demanded him to drop it. When he turned towards me I was shocked. It was Dean or a shape shifter that looked like Dean.

This thing then proceeded to cut his arm after telling me to hold on. He then looked at Bobby who was just as shocked as I was. I still had my gun raised because this could be something else. It then started to tell Bobby about himself. I narrowed my eyes when he looked at me.

"Nikki Tegan Timber. You don't have any family, your mother died like mine, you never told me much about your brother or father besides your father used your brother as bait. You're the only woman I haven't screwed over with another woman and you would know because of that moment we had were you even shared with me some of your secrets." He said. I lowered my gun. Bobby was about to put holy water over him but I put my hand up. Bobby just looked at me. I walked over to Dean and put my hand on his face. I closed my eyes and could feel all his emotions. Once I dug deeper I started to see visions of hell and I backed away and looked at him.

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