Chapter 9 - Psychics

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The Impala has been restored for quite some time now. We found someone who is just like Sam but well, he ended up killing himself after killing his father, and uncle. He almost got to his step-mother. We also got to go to a college campus.

Sam had one of his visions and Ash helped us find this place because of something to do with a bus. Sam got Ash to research if there are any kids in the town that had a fire just like him when he was young. The kids name is Andy Gallagher so we have to find him.

Jo asked to go with us. That caused me to laugh at her and get an evil stare.

"What you don't think I know how to hunt?" She asked me pissed.

"Oh sweetheart. I" I said laughing again. "Just don't think you should. You'd get hurt." I smirked.

"Just because I'm smaller than you doesn't mean I can't do as much as you. I would probably out do you." Jo hissed.

"Okay. We can see about that but I don't want your mama getting mad at me when I beat your ass." I said going right for the challenge.

"That's enough." Dean said getting between us. "Jo you're not going. Your mom scares the shit out of me and I'm not getting killed for bringing you along. You can't come." Dean told her. I crossed my arms and smirked from behind him.

"I don't care about what my mother says. I'll be fine. I can hunt."
"No and that's final." Dean said walking out.
"Bye!" I sung and waved as we all went to our vehicles.

The whole way to Guthrie Oklahoma I had a smile. I hated Jo for some reason. I have no clue why. Right now the guys are finding out about Andy. I decided to grab some food since all of us were hungry. When I met back up with the guys they said they were going to be able to spot him by his van. Sam went in a different direction than Dean and I.

Dean and I found the van and decided to follow it. He had his music on low as we followed behind the van. I was humming along to the music when I noticed we stopped and a kid was right next to Dean's window.

"This is a nice ride."
"Yeah. I know. She says hers is better." Dean told the guy pointing at me.

"You should let me have it." The kid I now think is Alex said.

"Oh yeah. Sure." Dean said happily getting out. He is giving this guy his car? I was so confused. The kid was about to get in when I jumped out. He thanked Dean and then drove off. I looked at Dean pissed.

"What the hell Dean?" I asked him. Dean smiled until the Impala was gone. He then looked at me and then back to where the Impala was.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean yelled. "We have to get my car back." I looked at the van and decided to jack that up.

"This kid can control people by what he tells them. He is psychic." I said driving the van back to where Andy's apartment was. My car was parked right across the street.

"How were you not affected?" he asked me.

"He didn't ask me to do anything Dean." I told him shrugging as I parked the van. I went to my car when Sam called Dean.

We had Sam over here and were able to look through the van. This kid loved to smoke pot. His van was a total hippie style van especially with the outside painted the way it was. I could tell how bad he kept this. A typical kid. He probably never even vacuumed this rug.

I walked away from the van trying to think of the powers this guy Andy possessed. Sam is able to do dreams well visions and also known to me as premonitions. This guy Andy must have mind control. This is great. It's going to be hard to talk to him with mind control. All of us are probably going to fall under what he says and then get screwed.

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