Chapter 11 - Intimacy and A Savior

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The guys have not called me in over 3 months. It's not the beginning of January. I wanted to know where they were going to I texted Dean. I'm surprised he let me know. I know I was going to have to tell them what I was up to. It took me this whole time to find my brothers car. It had everything still in it. I made sure I packed everything into my car and left as soon as I could.

The guys were going to stay at this place called the Pierport Inn. It was in Cornwall Connecticut. Luckily we were about the same distance away when he told me. I arrived not to long after the guys with my bag on my back. I looked at the place and it was somewhere I could see some kind of ghost happening. It's such an old building I wouldn't doubt it.

I walked inside and saw the woman talking to the boys. I smiled and walked up going over to Dean but behind the guys who noticed me then turned to the woman. The cold shoulder reaction. Great. I sighed but then smiled at the lady.

"I take it as your antiques." The lady said.

"How'd you know?" Dean asked. The lady smiled.

"Ah, you just look the type." She waited a few seconds looking at papers then asked. "One king sized bed?"

"What? No. Uh. Two singles, We're just brothers." Sam said.

"I'm also accompanied with these gentlemen." I told the lady. The guys just looked back at me.

"I'm sorry. I'll get you two rooms. One with two singles one with a king?" She asked.

"Well this is my girlfriend so you could either give us two separate rooms or to save money one room with two beds." Dean smirked pulling me up and close to him. The tingling sensation I haven't felt in months came right back making me weak at the knees.

"Two separate rooms it is." The lady smiled. An old man came by and I turned to smile at him. "Sherwin, can you show these people to their rooms please?"

"Sure thing. Antiques?" Sherwin asked. The guys looked at each other but just smiled.

Dean and I were shown our room first. It was a beautiful old fashion styled room with one king sized bed. Sam's room was all the way down the hall. I put my things on the table and started to unpack my laptop when I felt eyes burning into the back of my head.

I turned around and saw Dean having a hard expression on his face. I knew that he wanted me to explain myself for being gone for over three months without anything. I know it is a two way street but normally they always contact me and I'm the one that is always running off. I smiled at him and he didn't even return it.

"Dean listen, I..." I started to say.

"You're sorry that you ran out on us in the middle of a job? You're sorry that you didn't even say goodbye? You're sorry that you knew we probably needed help because you knew Jo was probably going to be abducted by the ghost? You knew she was the perfect candidate. I know you hate her but that isn't right. You didn't have to leave us dry. Especially for 3 damn months. No texts, no phone calls till yesterday? Do you think you can up and leave us and just come back like nothing ever happened." Dean ended up yelling the last part with a large amount of anger. Him yelling at me was breaking me. I never broke before due to someone yelling not even my father. I felt like I was about to start shaking. I shut my eyes and shook my head no.

"Dean. I left because I had to. A lead on my brother's car. It took me all three months to find it but I finally did. I needed to find everything in the car. Especially his journal. I had to also do it alone. Please understand that. I didn't want to leave but I had to. I couldn't tell Sam because I know one or both of you would try to go after me. I came back as soon as I could. I did tell you I'd stay for a while and I did. I helped out with a lot of jobs but I had to go when I did. I'm back now so please don't be mad." I pleaded with him.

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