Chapter 22 - Torture and Torn

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I have been at Bobby's for a hot minute. That is what the kids are saying these days so I am going to go for it as well. The last thing I heard from the guys is that Pamela has died in their last hunt. I felt really bad that it happened.

The guys were on a hunt and trying to figure out why people were not dying in this one town. When they told me that a man was shot at point blank and survived I was baffled. The guys realized that the reaper for that area was not around.

They used Pamela to have an out of body experience to figure out what is going on. They found a boy who has been dead for a while and Dean said they learned how to use powers of being a ghost. They found out that one of the seals was going to be broken. Two reapers blood had to be shed. In the process Pamela was killed by a Demon.

The guys were coming back from her funeral today and going to stay at a hotel. I didn't hear anything from them on the ride there so I was searching on what other seals would be. Bobby was answering phones in the kitchen because they were going off the hook today. I got up and went into the kitchen telling Bobby to take a break and get some food. I know the old fool was happy that I did that but I also know that he really didn't like help.

One of the phones started to ring about an hour later and I sat up and picked it up. I looked and it said Rufus.

"Agent Miles speaking." I answered.
"I have agent Riley here. He says he is with the F.B.I." I smirked.

"George Riley am I correct?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am." The man said.

"Well he may proceed with the assignment I gave to him. If there are any more interruptions I do not want to come down there myself. I need him to get this done soon because another case is arising and I need one of my best on it. So do not disturb him any further. Do I have myself clear?" I said sternly.

"Yes ma'am. I am sorry to bother you." He said. I then hung up. Bobby was in the doorway with a smirk.

"I would be afraid to be your child when you were mad. Hell you don't have to yell and you're already scary."

"Is it also for the fact that you know I have powers?" I asked. He smiled.

"Somewhat but that is a very motherly voice that puts the fear into any man." He told me. I laughed.

"Should of heard the voice I had when I talked to the demon that Dean sold his soul too." Bobby shook his head.

"Come on have a beer with me and relax for a little. The idjits will all be fine for a while without us." Bobby smirked.

I went and sat down with Bobby. We talked for a while. I was basically becoming one of the family with Bobby. We exchanged some hunting stories and would laugh about how some of the shape shifters or demons would act.

We started to get onto the subject of if we could really trust the angels. He said he meant no offense to me but I really wasn't an angel. That is what we were told. I was telling him how I didn't like Anna nor did I like Uriel. Castiel is mislead. Then I told him I met another angel once when I was training but forget the ones name. He was every nice and helpful. That is when my phone started to ring.

Bobby and I went silent and then I looked at it. It was Sam. I smiled because they were probably checking in with me.

"Hey Sammy." I said.

"I need you to find Dean." Sam said without a hello or anything. He didn't seem too happy.
"What do you mean find Dean. Didn't he drive? Did he leave you somewhere?" I asked.

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