Chapter 13 - Not Reality

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~Dean's Point Of View~

I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt like I just had a nightmare of being capture. I looked over to the left of me and saw Nikki sleeping naked. The only thing covering her was a blanket. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful while she slept. I got up and looked around. This doesn't look like a hotel's bedroom. Did I really get that drunk?

I walked out of the bedroom and looked around. I was in an apartment. I was now in the living room that looked over to the kitchen. I went and cracked opened the fridge grabbing a beer out of a 12 pack. I walked around looking. I stopped at a photo. It was of Nikki and I on the beach. She was showing off a ring. My eyes got wide.

What the hell is going on here? I looked to the table and saw mail on it. I picked them up. I saw the first one had my name it read: Dean Winchester 1323 South Main Street. Apt 23. Lawrence Kansas. Kansas? I'm in my home town? I can't be. What is going on! I looked at the next thing of mail and it was mine. Then I look at the last one and it read: Nikki Winchester 1323 South Main Street Apt 23 Lawrence Kansas. I'm married.

I drop the papers and get my phone out of my pocket. I quickly dialed Sam number. He'll know what the hell is going on. After a few rings he answers.

"Dean?" He questions.

"Sam where are you? What are you doing?
"I'm in California studying my Law books? Are you okay?"

"Yes. Wait. Why are you doing that? We were supposed to be hunting." I told him.

"Hunting? Dean I've never been hunting a day in my life. I never even held a gun." Sam told me. What the hell.
"What is going on..." I whispered.

"Dean, go to bed. I think you're too drunk man. I'll see ya soon." Sam said hanging up on me.

I cursed a few times before putting my phone in my pants. If everything is like this then... Mom.

I raced out to my Impala which thank god I have. I got in and went to my parent's home. I shut the car door and ran up to it. I knocked and rang the door bell until I saw a light turn on. Great. Someone is home. Please be mom.

When the door opened. My mom stood there with a confused look on her face. I quickly embraced her. It felt so real. I could feel her. She is alive. She asked if I was drunk too. What the hell is people and thinking that I'm drunk.

My mom brought me inside and we talked. I had to try to not act too out of the ordinary. I was just enjoying this way too much. My mom told me my father died last year. I looked around and saw a bunch of achievements from Sam and I. I couldn't help but smiled.

"I think I'm going to call Nikki to come get you Dean. I think you're too drunk." Mom told me.

"No! I mean. Can't I stay here for the night?" I asked.

"Why sure." She said.

Mom went to bed and I just checked out the whole downstairs of the house. This is just like what my memory reminded me of how it was. I soon caught myself going back to the couch and falling asleep. I woke up early in the morning and went into the kitchen. My mom had a sandwich and a cup of coffee ready for me.

When I finished that I went to mow her lawn. I have never mowed a lawn in my whole life but I'm not taking anything for granted. By some weird strange thing, I'm basically getting everything I ever wanted out side of the hunter life.

When I got done the lawn my mom basically told me to go home to my wife. Wife. That word sounds so wrong. I don't know why. It's possibly because I still have the mind of a hunter.

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