Chapter 21 - When You Feel The Siren

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The guys and I are in Bedford Iowa. This is a little while after the wishes came true. It was a little while back that we saved an angel named Anna. She had fallen from heaven and her grace was take from her. Uriel and Castiel wanted her dead but the three of us wanted to keep her alive. Unfortunate Ruby has tagged alone for that adventure and helped out. There is something up with her that I do not like and that I want to know.

Right now I am awake cuddling into Dean's chest. Sam went to the bathroom and is on the phone with someone. I have no clue. I will be able to know if I read his mind or get his feelings but I don't want to infringe on the guys too much. They trust me enough and I want them to tell me on their own terms.

I could tell that Dean was awake and listening to the conversation that Sam was having in the bathroom. I didn't want Dean to know I was awake. I heard the door to the bathroom open and I closed my eyes. I kept my breathing normal like if I was sleeping and just listened. About a few minutes later Dean asked like he just woke up and easily got me to cuddle a pillow. I listened to Sam lie to Dean. I frowned and heard that there is a case here.

My body slowly started to stretch out acting like I'm waking up but I turned over and covered my head with a pillow. I heard Dean chuckle and Sam probably smiled.

"You guys are loud in the morning."

"Babe its 10. You're normally up by now." Dean answered me. I slowly took the pillow off my head and sat up. I looked around the room then at the guys.

"Alright. I'm ready." I smiled as I stood up and went to grab a fresh thing of clothes.

"Get on your suit. We are going in to investigate men killing their wives." Sam told me. I saluted him and went to get my suit.

I went to the bathroom and put it on. I kept my hair down but fixed it up. I fixed on a little make up and was ready to go. The guys were getting ready in the bed area. I had everything on already and just went to go see if there was any snacks. I have been pretty hungry lately and I don't know why.

The guys said we are stopping to get coffee and pie. I shrugged and just followed them out. We got to interview the man who beat his wife to death with a meat tenderizer because she just angered him so much that day. She teased him about being home late and then invited him to something he some how was not fond of.

That was really weird. Other people told us how great of a couple they were. He didn't seem like the murdering type. I wonder what was doing this to people. There was also another man that killed a stripper. Dean and I went to talk to him while Sam went to talk to the doctor who took blood samples and looked at the men who killed their mother and wife.

This was weird but I might have a feeling of what it could be. It could be a cruse but what is confusing me is that both men have now told us about some strip club called the honey wagon. Dean was happy knowing that we were going to a strip club. I could care less but I wanted to know what is going on in this strip club that made the men go all crazy. Each man gave a different name.

Dean and I then went to go meet Sam at the hospital. Sam and the Doctor were flirting. We found out that her name was Dr. Cara Roberts. She seemed nice. Dean was unsure of her. He was also uneasy by how the sexual tension was between Sam and the doctor.

We then decided to get into the strip club. We all started questioning strippers and what not. I got asked if I wanted to work there. I then put the guy on the table and showed him my ID. He seemed extremely scared of me then. Dean smirked and laughed at the guy. So far no one knew a stripper by either of the names that were given. Also there are a lot of strippers that come and go so it could be hard to match and pin point one specific one.

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