Chapter 7 - Fixer Up

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I had finally got to Bobby's house. It was a junkyard basically. I had no clue what I was walking into. I had my bag on my back and my gun on my back. I had a knife on my hip and I was hoping I wasn't going to have to use them.

I went to the door and knocked on it. I haven't seen the guys in a few days. They buried their father by themselves. Well, they did what any sane hunter would do. Salt and burn his body. While they did that, I retrieved my car. I was able to get back a day after the boys really got here. Dean had texted me to make sure I was still coming and not bailing. I smiled being able to text him that I was coming to them.

The boys really needed someone around now. Bobby was probably a great idea since he was a good friend of the family or something. I on the other hand am horrible with deaths. I can only wait for one of the boys to ask me about what the demon was saying. We all know demon's lie but what he was saying was mostly truth and I have regretted things for many years.

The door opened with an older gentleman looking at me like I was some unwanted sales woman. We just stared at each other for a few minutes.

"So what do you want?" He asked me in a very grumpy tone. I kind of jumped a little not thinking it would be like this but I put out my free hand and smiled.

"Sam and Dean told me they were here. I'm Nikki." I said. I figured out this is probably Bobby. His expression hardly changed but he nodded.

"Come right on in. Dean's working on the Impala and Sam is reading books in the library." Bobby said.

"Thank you." I told him as he let me walk into the very dusty and muggy house.

I looked around at the chaotic clutter that was called a home to this man. I was confused at how someone would have a house like this but whatever floats his boat. I saw cobwebs, and dirt hanging from the cobwebs as I walked towards the library which at one point was probably a living room.

Sam sat at the desk not looking up. I slowly walked to the couch and set my bag down. I then walked towards the desk and stood in front of it. I leaned down and put my hands on the edge. Sam then looked up and was surprised. He then put a smile on and got up. He came around the desk and hugged me.

"Finally. Dean's been skeptical on you actually coming. I knew you would." Sam told me as he released me from the hug.

"Is it smart to bother him?" I asked. Sam shrugged.

"Mostly no but you do anyway." I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"I'll go surprise him." I said. Sam nodded. "What are you researching?"

"Not a damn thing really." Sam frowns. I nod and make my way outside.

I look around to try and find where Dean possibly is while he fixes the impala. I finally hear someone say something about a son of a bitch. I knew it was Dean and walked over towards him. I smirked as I got up to him looking in a tool box. He heard me and his head quickly whipped towards me.

Once he saw it was me he dropped the tool in his hand and stood up. He walked towards me and met me half way. He hugged me tight. I was brought back but soon in a tranquil feeling. I couldn't help the effect that he had on me. He looked me in the eyes after pulling away and had a small smirk on his lips.

"So you actually came."

"I did have someone pestering me." I smirked at him. He smiled.

"You never know with you. You actually have stuck around and not left us."

"You do trust me now. I am still deciding on if Bobby is like that or hates me but as long as I'm okay to stay I'm staying for a while."

"A while?" Dean asked going back to his tool box.

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