Chapter 14 - Dead Deal

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~Nikki's Point Of View~

Dean and I are looking for Sam. We have no clue what happened to him when he went inside the diner to get everyone food. I was sitting up front in the middle. I was exhausted when it happened laying my head on Dean's shoulder.

Dean and I got a lot closer after his close encounter with the Djinn. Sam said he should just date me already since I've been around a while now and it don't seem like I'm leaving. I don't see Dean believing that. Hell, we had separate rooms from Sam twice since the Djinn and Dean didn't try to have sex both times. Little does he want people to know, he is a softy to some people.

Right now Dean, Bobby, and I are all standing outside of the burnt down roadhouse. Ash said he had something for us and that is why we were heading this way. Now he is burnt to the ground with other hunters.

Dean bends over and holds his head. He was in pain.

"Dean? What's going on?" I asked him putting my hand on his back. He just closed his eyes more. He is having a vision. I felt it. I removed my hand and backed up. I looked at Bobby who just kept his eyes on Dean. When he stood up he looked at us.

"What happened boy?" Bobby asked.

"I saw something."
"Like a vision? What are you becoming Sam?" Bobby asked Dean.

"No. I just saw a bell." I looked at Bobby and he looked at me.

"Did it have a big tree on it?" Bobby and I both asked. Dean looked at us and nodded.

"Cold Oak, South Dakota." Bobby said.

"The most haunted place in the United State..." My eyes got wide. "Sam was put there." I said going back to the Impala. The guys just looked at me. "Well I'm not driving this by myself unless you're okay with me hotwiring it. We're going to Sam! Let's go slow pokes!" I yelled from the passenger side of the car.

The guys too no time in deed to get into their vehicles and head out. It was a long drive but Dean and I had tunes to listen to. I was humming one tune and Dean just smirked when I slipped and sang a line. It was No One Like You by Scorpion. I smirked and then let it out. When the song ended after Dean joined in he looked at me and grabbed my hand. I felt the electricity build up and I smiled.

"You know, you sing like an angel." Dean told me.

"Oh stop it." I told him.
"Seriously. I don't think I heard a voice like that. Ever. You singing makes any situation okay. Even it being Sam and him possibly hurt." Dean said now paying attention.

"We're going to find him Dean. I promise." I told him. He nodded and kept his mouth shut after that.

We got as far as we could with cars. Then the rest of the way was on foot. We had our guns and knives on us. I walked in the middle as Dean walked behind me and Bobby in front of us. Once we came to a clearing Dean started to yell for Sam.

Bobby, Dean and I were walking and then saw Sam walking towards us. He looked really beaten up and something was wrong with his shoulder. Then there was a guy in a military uniform behind him with a knife. My eyes got wide as I was about to run towards them. Dean yelled but it was too late. The guy had got Sam right in the back.

Dean ran to Sam as Bobby and I ran after the guy. I have to say he was extremely fast. I was faster than Bobby but this guy was running like he had super strength. The guy was gone and I just waited for Bobby to catch up to walk back with him. I hoped Sam was okay. I silently prayed in my head but I didn't hear anything for the whole walk back.

When we got back Dean was just holding a limp Sam in his arms. Cover in blood on his back. I cursed in my head as we walked up that Bobby and I were unable to get that guy. He needs to pay for what he did to Sam.

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