Chapter 5 - The Big Crash

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"Hello?" I said answering my phone while eating my burger.

"Can you meet us in Jefferson City Missouri?" Dean asked. I smirked and giggled.

"Well I'm doing fine and dandy Dean. Business as usual." I said then what he said next made my stomach turn.

"My father's been captured by demons." Dean told me.

"I'll be there in 2 hours." I told him. I shut my phone and put 40 on the table leaving.

I got into my Camaro and drove. It felt like the longest drive ever. I realized the boys didn't tell me where they were. I had to guess what place. I thought for a second and realized we normally always pick the same place so this should be less hard.

I got to the place and parked next to the Impala. I knocked on the door and heard ruffling around. I had my bag in my hand and was ready for all demon activity. Sam answered the door and I quickly went in.

The guys already knew where to find their father but they know it is heavily guarded with demons. I just hoped that I was not going to have to save anyone in my special way. Unless it was just Sam. He kept my secret and I'm internally grateful.

We had to wait for the next day. Which meant since it were 9 at night we had some time to kill. Dean brought back a 12 pack and we all sat around drinking. I still was not getting buzzed or anything and Sam obviously was. I then got up realizing I didn't get my room.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked.

"Unless I'm sleeping in my car tonight, I need to get a room." I told him. I was walking past him when he grabbed my hand.

"Stay in here. It's paid for. You can share a bed." Dean offered. I looked into his eyes and could tell after those 6 beers he was kind of feeling it.

"I can't do that to you or Sam." I told the boys.

"I don't think any rooms are vacant tonight. When we checked in the lady said it was the last one." Sam told me.

"Stay in mine." Dean said. I just looked at him. Something came over me and I felt compelled to give him an answer I normally never would.

"Okay." I said. Sam looked shocked but Dean smirked.

Sam fell asleep on his bed before Dean and I did. Dean and I talked about the hunts we had between us first meeting. Dean was surprised that I went through so many hunts with demons and spirits. I just laughed and nodded. I soon yawned and Dean just smiled.

I got up and told him I was getting some clothes. I got my clothes bag out of my trunk and then came back. I went to take a shower and get dressed for the night. I put on shorts and a tank top like normal. I did forget that I was sharing a room with two men and a bra was not with me. I just shrugged and went out of the bathroom.

Dean was lying on his bed watching the TV. He was under the covers with no shirt on. The glimpse I got of him before he looked at me had my panties in a bunch. Dean Winchester was good looking but without a shirt, oh my god. I bit my lip as I came to the other side of the bed and got under the covers with him.

I lay on my back unable to look at Dean. Why did I have to say okay to staying in the same bed as him? This is not good. I have no bra on and a very small amount of clothing. I mentally slapped myself in the face.

"You know if you want to stare you can." Dean said. I knew he had a smirk on his face.

"Your ego Dean. It's sky high. Bring it back down some." I told him.

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