Chapter 6 - It Happened Anyway

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I woke up fully of pain in the Impala. Must have been sleeping. Then I see bright lights coming right through the car. A man was talking on his cell phone outside. I looked and saw myself so close to Dean. I sat up and saw John knocked out and Dean was horrible. Sam had his head back.

"Dean." My hoarse voice said.

"Nikki?" Sam said surprised.

"Yes Sam?" I asked.

"You okay?" He asked. I looked and saw another huge gash in my right left and my head hurt.

"Alive so yeah." I said. I looked at Dean. My head felt light. "Maybe not." I said then fell onto Dean's lap and passed out.

I woke up in the hospital. I looked around and yup, totally a hospital. I was hooked up to an IV, and a heart monitor. I looked over and saw my door was open. I sat up and hit the red button. Soon a nurse came rushing in. She was surprised I was alright. She was going to get a doctor.

About an hour later I convinced them to let me get up. I needed to see John, Sam, and Dean. First. Dean. I asked them where they were and hoped that I picked Deans first. Supposedly one of them is already out with minor problems. I went to the room that was right down from mine. I opened the door and looked in. It was Dean. A tear went to my eye as I saw a respirator on him.

I sat in the chair next to him and held his hand. I sighed. I felt little pain but not much. I could only imagine what Dean is going through. I hope he could hear me if I spoke.

"Dean. If you can hear me just remember if you don't wake up from this I'll kick your ass. You can't leave your family behind." I told him. I squeezed his hand. "You just started to actually like me too." I smiled. "I don't know how Sam and John are but I'll find out." I said.

"We are both alive and awake." Sam said. I looked up at the door. He was smiling.

"Oh Sam." I said getting up and going to hug him. I hugged him tight feeling the pain in my stomach.

"Whoa. Easy there. You're gonna pop a stitch."

"When did you wake up?" I asked.

"Never really got knocked out. My dad was up in a day. You four. Dean. Well..." Sam said holding an Ouija board in his hands.

"What?" I asked looking at it confused.

"I think Dean's spirit is around here and I have used this to contact him earlier." Sam said.

"Sam. That's not good! His spirit... If it is not in him and it's roaming around you know what that means?" I asked

"Uh?" Sam looked at me.

"A reaper is going to try and get him." I frantically said looking back at Dean. I went over to his bed. "Dean don't you dare go to that reaper and say yes. We will find a way to put your spirit back. I know it's close to none but hold in there!" I said. Sam put his hand on my shoulder.

"You know for a man who hated you then started to like you, you really have a soft spot for him." Sam said. I smiled and nodded.

"He's a dick but a charmer." I laughed. Sam did too. Then I felt something. "You feel that?" I asked.

"No." I then remembered to concentrate.

I was hoping that Dean was around and yelling to us. I remember that I had to do this one time because the spirit wouldn't show him. Well Dean is more like an out of body experience but hopefully this can work the same. I can't see them but I can hopefully contact. I started to think Dean's name and talking to him in my head. I started to hear something. The more I said it the louder it got. Then everything went silent and all I heard was Dean's voice.

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