Chapter 4 - The Colt

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I was scanning the internet a day ago when Cas appeared to me and told me to go to Boulder, Colorado. The Winchesters might need me there. An important thing is going down. So here I am in Colorado again. Where the boys and I first met.

I was sitting in a coffee shop outside of town when the boys walked in. Sam scanned the place and I looked right at him with a smirk. I had a paper in my hands reading a obituary to a murdered Vampire hunter. I've already checked everything out so I knew a lot. Sam walked towards me without saying anything to Dean. Once Dean caught on he walked over too.

"This is getting weird you know." Dean said sitting down across from me as Sam was already inside the booth.

"Well, this is not the best time but look at this" I said pushing the paper to Dean he scanned it and looked at me.

"Dead vampire hunter." Dean said.

"Well if you saw what I did at his house, it was vampires. I don't mean one or two but more. This mans body was well... horribly mutilated and not drained of blood. His place was ransacked and a safe that I heard contains something special was in there." I said. They both looked at me.

"So what you're saying is the vampires got the special item?" Sam asked.

"Precisely. Now do you two boys want coffee before we start and some lunch or should we get going?"

"I'm starving." Dean said.

"Of course you are." I smirked.

The boys and I ate. I paid for the bill and got up. My car was across the street at the Motel most likely the boys were staying at too. Dean had his Impala and looked at me.

"Your cars where?" He asked.

"Over there. I'll go get it and meet you guys at this place." I said handing a crumpled up piece of envelope.

"Get in. We'll just take my car." Dean said. I scoffed.

"I like to drive. Thanks anyway."

"It'll be faster than waiting for you." Dean objected.

"Fine." I said. "We're going to have to go back to my car for my stuff." I said in the backseat.

"Borrow mine." Dean grumbled as his engine went to life.

We were listening to basically the same music that I listen to. I smirked as I hummed the songs quietly while we went to the post office. We walked in and went to the back where his mail slot was kept. Sam unlocked it and opened it up. Inside was a letter addressed to John Winchester. The boys father.

Sam read the letter in the Impala as we were driving back to the hotel. Sam looked at both Dean and I after he finished reading it. I was in the back stunned knowing what the Vampires have taken. The boys had no clue what was going on but this was the weapon that was probably going to help all three of us kill that demon that we've been trying to hunt for so long.

"The Colt?" Dean asked.

"I have no clue what it is." Sam said.

"You idjits. It's THE COLT. As in the gun that was made by Samuel Colt in 1835. It was a hunters myth that it could kill anything. The myth is actually true. The myth went in 1835 when Halley's Comet was overhead and the same night that all those men died at the Alamo Samuel Colt made The Colt. It's a special gun made for a hunter. Now the man was on horseback and was originally made for him but as the story says that they are only thirteen bullets. Supposedly he only used it 6 times before disappearing. The gun disappeared with him. Daniel got his hands on it somehow some way. Now the vampires do." I told them the story.

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