Chapter 10 - Leaving Again

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The guys and I have got to the place. We already finished checking it out when we were walking through the halls. I stopped the guys because I heard a woman and man's voice. All three of us have stopped. Then they heard what I was hearing. Once I heard the female's voice better I just looked at the guys. They both realized who it was and then they walked around the corner. I stayed between Sam and Dean as Jo looked at us and smirked.

"Oh there you are sweetheart." Jo said as she walked over to Dean. Grabbing him tight to her. I looked at her with a glare. "This is my boyfriend Dean. That is Sam and his girlfriend Nikki." Jo smirked at that. Oh that bitch.

"Oh nice to meet ya. You got a nice girl here." The owner of the building said.

"She's a pistol." Dean said grabbing her tight with an I'm pissed at you tone. I looked up at Sam and he smiled down on me.

"Did you check out the room yet?" Jo asked. Dean didn't answer. "The one for rent?" Jo asked a little pissy towards him but still smiling at the guy.

"Yes. It has great flow." Dean smirked.

"When did the last tenant move out?" Jo asked.

"About a month ago. Stiffed me for the rent too."

"Good. We'll take it." Jo said handing a bunch of money to the guy. Sam and I looked at each other again and then at her surprised she got that much money. What is she faking an ID too?

We had to go back downstairs and get our things. When we got back upstairs and into the room. Dean fought with Jo on how stupid she was coming here. She was not supposed to be here and that he told her that it is too dangerous. Her mom is going to have our necks for her being here.

I sit on the couch trying to ignore them going back and forth. I heard them fight about the bed. Jo obviously wins and the rest of us are going to have to find somewhere else to sleep. I have my feet lying across the couch as I am searching and researching. We found ectoplasm in the apartment. This means that it is a vengeful spirit. I needed to find out more about this place.

Sam was looking into all of the victims as he sat on the chair in the kitchen. I felt my legs getting picked up and I looked up to see Dean. I pulled my legs closer to me so he could sit down then I sat them back to where they were but now on top of him. He just looked at me and then let it go. I looked towards where Jo was sitting at the kitchen table with Sam just looking at Dean and me.

"I think we should get some sleep. In the morning we'll be able to research all refreshed." Sam said.

"I'm so in for that."

"I call the couch." Dean said. I looked at him and glared.

"I get the chair in the living room." Sam said.

"Oh what the hell." I said closing my laptop and putting it on the table near the couch. Dean looked at me and winked. I rolled my eyes but smiled. I looked at Jo and then she looked right at me. "You should let Dean and I get the bed since we are two people and could fit better." I told her.

"Nope. He lost that battle." Jo said getting up.

"He may have lost it but I will..."
"We'll just sleep on the couch so the brat get's what she wants." Dean commented. I smirked at his comment as Jo huffed and went off to the room.

Dean and I had a pretty easy time trying to get both of us so comfortable. I was on the outside of the couch being held by Dean so if I turned I wouldn't fall. When we were comfortable enough both of us were fast asleep.

I walked into my house since it was summer vacation. I had just gone to the blue hole with Luke, Mike and a few others of our friends. My father was sitting in the living room with a beer in his hands watching the baseball game. Luke had come back with me since we were going to hang out. He has been my long time crush. I have to say it all started in middle school but we've only been best friends.

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