Chapter 15 - Cuffed

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"Come on! Let me go." I said struggling in the handcuffs the officer of Monument Colorado put me in.

"Shut your mouth. You're very wanted by this agent. We got you all now." He said. I growled in frustration.

How the hell could I get caught? I haven't seen the guys in a very long time. I've been staying low and trying to find things out on my own. I've been trying to find as many demons and get rid of them the quick way.

When I left Bobby's he let me know I could call him if I needed help and that I could use him for an FBI reference. I have only talked to him. Neither of the guys really called me and that upset me to a point of where I went to Florida and stayed there for a few weeks to make myself feel better which hardly worked.

I was working this case here when I had a bunch of cops point their guns at me. I was confused at what was going on. I was annoyed as well because I had no clue I had this kind of heat on me.

There was a black and tall FBI man standing in the middle of the place. I had no clue who the hell he was but he just smirked at me. They stopped me where he was.

"Nikki Timber. Finally we meet. You know, I have been trying to find you for the longest time but yet you have been out of sight and mind for a very long time. Let me just let you know this straight okay?" He smirked. "I know all of what you've done and what you can do. I know your life story sweetheart and I know how many graves you've dug up. People who have been killed by you or your friends and all the trespassing with assault charges you can get. Now if you think you're getting out of this one. Think again." He chuckled. I just gave him an evil look.

"We'll see about that." I smirked and then was pushed towards the back.

The one girl in the office was looking at me scared as they pushed me through. This is going to be a hard one to get my ass out of. They opened a door to the holding cell's in the back. I walked in and noticed that there were two men in the back just sitting down. I was placed in the cell across from them. I didn't give them much of a look because I had to devise a plan to get out of here or I am royally fucked.

I laid on my side after I was thrown into the room. I was just going to be a good prisoner and act like they have the wrong person for now. Then when the least expect it, I'll jump. That is the best plan I got for right now.

"Nikki?" I heard a voice that I haven't in so long. A voice that I smiled when I heard it. I popped right up and looked over.

"Sam? Dean?" I asked when I first realized who the two men in the cell were.

"How did you get in here?" Sam asked.

"I was walking down the street when cops ended up surrounding me and pointing their guns at me. They kept saying my accomplices were already caught. I was sure they had the wrong person. Then I talked to Officer Dick out there and knew he had me. He knew my name and everything. Who the hell is he?" I asked.
"Special Agent Victor Hendrickson. He's the asshole that messed with us at the museum when we were hunting the shape shifter." Sam answered. I just made an Oh got it face and nodded my head.

"We'll my idea is fucked on how to get out of here." I told them.

"Our's too." Dean said. I sighed. "Where the hell have you been? You didn't answer any of our calls. No texts. Nothing." Dean glared at me.

"I didn't get any of them. I swear. I've been all over but mostly in Florida." I answered. Dean just looked at me. I frowned and looked to the ground. "You know I would of answered. I missed you two." I basically whispered.

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