Chapter 12 - Tricks

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The guys and I are in Springfield Ohio. We are dealing with some sort of problem on a college campus. A professor has went head first to the steps two floors below of his office. Another kid was abducted by Aliens.

These two boys are also getting on my nerves by fighting all the time. They are bickering over everything. I was on my computer looking up a local legend about a woman who could be our spirit that is causing all of this chaos.
When I don't find anything I am even more annoyed. Sam and Dean were going back and forth bickering again while I was sitting next to Dean as he was eating these really cheesy french fries. I could smell them and wanted some but I didn't want him to lash out at me. In all honestly I was about to lash out at them.

I decided just to take some of the french fries since I didn't get anything to eat but now I was hungry. I reached over and was looking at Dean watch me as I took two fries. I then plopped them into my mouth. He didn't say anything so I was good. I smiled as I chewed on them and then went back to my computer. Another 20 minutes went by and I was done. There is something else going on here.

"Guys." I said softly over their bickering. "Guys." I said louder since they didn't listen to me. "ASSHOLES!" I yelled. They both looked at me. "Good. I got both of your big heads attention."
"Hey." Dean said looking at me.

"Listen. I didn't find anything that could of made any of this lore sense. I think we are up against something else." I told them.

"Like what?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. I think we should go out and find more evidence of something. Maybe I'll go with Dean to talk to this Janitor guy." The guys just agreed with me so they could get away from each other.

Sam went to check out what just happened with a science professor that does things with animals. A sick bastard if you tell me but I've seen a lot worse.

Dean and I were talking to the janitor. I was acting as if I was supervisor over Dean and Sam. The janitor talked to me about everything I asked when Dean asked him if he saw him leave anything and if it was okay to check. Of course he said yes. I tried to be flirty with the Janitor so he wouldn't suspect something. He seemed to be buying it.

There was something about this guy. He was different. He was not no normal janitor. He then said he had to go and I was hoping Dean would be back. Which he was just in time. On the way back to the hotel. We just sat around while I tried figuring out what to search. While I was in the middle of typing, Dean closed my lap top. I looked over at him.

"Since Sam isn't back." Dean said smirking leaning in kissing me. I smiled and pulled away.

"He could be back any moment. You have to realize we were gone for quite some time." I said. Dean sighed.

"We are getting our own room next job." Dean said leaning back. He then got up. "I'm getting a shower and shaved. If Sam comes back tell him we should get dinner." Dean said. I just nodded as I opened up my laptop.

It was 20 minutes till Sam got here. I didn't look up from my computer. I told Sam what Dean said but he didn't talk back to me. I shrugged it off as I searched up things that were going on. I felt like I was close to figuring it out. I heard the boys start to bicker again. I sighed and looked up. Sam said Dean hid his lap top. Dean obviously didn't if he was with me. Sam used the I'm too into my computer to notice. Since I actually have one.

I was not going to deal with these guys. Sam decided to go take a walk to calm down as Dean came and sat down. He laid back and played music off of his phone. I just let him go. An hour went by till Sam came back. Dean said he was going to get food. I nodded and smiled not moving from the screen. I reached over to my bag and got out my journal. There has to be something on this type of thing.

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