Chapter 23 - Ghost and Office Relationships

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I am sitting at my desk early this morning. I am hoping that my boss notices me. I am a secretary for Dean Smith. Who is Dean Smith you may ask? Well the highest rising sales man to ever hit Sandover Bridge and Iron Incorporation. He is also the hottest man here. Seriously. I am so lucky to get to work for him.

I hear the door open and Mr. Smith walks in. I stand up and grab his coffee that I had ready for him. I made it early so it would not be too hot for him to drink. I stood in front of my desk with my button down shirt showing a little cleavage today, a pencil skirt, and my heels that make me as tall as Mr. Smith.

"Good morning Mr. Smith. I have your coffee ready for you this morning." I said. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me. He turns and looks at me. His eyes seem like they have seen a ghost. Then they turn soft. A warming smile plasters onto his face. He looks at my desk and then back at me.

"Well Mrs. Michaels thank you very much and Good morning to you." He sweetly said as his hand grabs the cup it slightly brushes on mine and I feel this tingling sensation. Wow, Mr. Smith is talking to me.

"It's Miss. Michaels sir." I corrected him and then thought into my head that I should not be correcting the boss.

"I am sorry Miss. Michael's." He said going to the door of his office. He then looks back to me.

"Any voicemails?" He asked.

"Yes. Three sir." I said.

"Well follow me Miss Michaels." He said. I grabbed my note book and followed him into his office. He went and sat behind his desk. He put his briefcase in front of him and then took a sip of his coffee. He smiled and then looked at me. "I think this is the best coffee I ever had." He told me. My eye brows lifted up in disbelief. In the three weeks he has moved up this is the nicest thing and the most he has ever said to me. Maybe I am making an impression. Inside I am over whelmed with pleasure from this.

"Thank you Mr. Smith." I said.

"You can call me Dean." He smirked at me. Smirked? That made me melt inside

"Thank you Dean." I said. He nodded and then turned on his computer.

"So those voicemails?" He asked.

I proceeded to tell him the voicemails in details and what I did to one of them because it was an appointment to a meeting. I scheduled it into his calendar and made sure I sent an email to where he can accept it to be put onto his computer. I also made sure there was a summary of what the meeting was about.

I was done telling him everything and he just looked at me. That smile on his face made me melt and want to kiss his wonderful lips. I was such in a daze until I heard the phone ring. I excused myself from him and went to pick up the phone.

When it came to lunch time Mr. Smith called me into his office. I got up and fixed my skirt. I walked slowly into his office with a smile. He was watching my every move as he sat back. I smiled as I came to the front of his desk and waited to know why he called me in.

"Miss Michaels. Would you please do me the favor of going out and getting my lunch. You know. My usual. Also pick up something for yourself. My treat." He smirked and handed me over money.

"Sir you don't have too."
"Dean and I want to." He corrected me then told me. I smiled with slight blushing.
"Well thank you Dean. I'll be right back." I said smiling with the money in my hand.

I can't believe Dean is letting me call him that and I am able to get his food. He is also buying mine. Maybe he has finally noticed me. I think I did perfect with how I looked today because he hasn't really noticed me any other day.

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