Chapter 17 - The Hounds Are Coming

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I woke up to Dean cuddled to me breathing heavy and making weird noises. I move a little and try to wake him up. He wakes up with a jolt and looks around the room. He checks himself out and then looks at him. He quickly kisses me and then lays on his back.

"Another hellhound dream?" I asked. He just looked at me.

"How do you know?" He asked. I just tapped on my head and smiled.

"Also you're not hard to read Dean." I say cupping his face about to kiss him when Sam walks into the room. Dean and I just look at him as he has a huge smile on his face.

"Bobby found a way to find Lilith." Sam told us.

That got Dean and I both out of bed and quickly dressed. On the ride to Bobby's Dean doesn't seem convinced that this is going to work. All of us are unprepared to be able to kill Lilith. We have no sure way on how we are going to do this. Even if we find her how do we know she doesn't know that we are coming?

I basically agree with Dean but he wants to go out with a huge party and having the best time of his life. Right now he has about 30 hours left until he is ripped to shreds by the hellhounds. I want to do what Dean wants but something deep down inside tells me that I should let Bobby find out where she is. Maybe I could grab enough power. Maybe I should talk to Cas. That might be my best bet.

I lay my head against the window and close my eyes as I calm myself. I try to put myself in a meditative state so that I could try to contact him.

I was walking through a meadow. It was beautiful. There was a running stream. Deer were running free. Rabbits were feeding on the grass. I heard birds chirping in the trees. This place is wonderful. I saw a man in a trench coat feeding a deer and I slowly walked up to him. I knew it was Cas.

"Cas?" I asked. He turned around and looked at me.

"Nikki. Why have you called for me?" He asked.

"It's about Dean and Lilith. Bobby found a way to find her. The guy and I are going to go there and try to stop Dean from going to hell." I told him.

"You can't stop it. The hell hounds will still be on their way to find Dean any way they can." Cas told me.

"There is no way to stop this?" I asked him now upset.

"No." He sighed and came closer to me. "I'm sorry. This is fate. Don't worry much. There are greater things that are going to happen." Cas said.

"Like what? Being able to raise Dean from hell? How is that going to happen when is going to get a hunter burial?" I asked.

"Sam won't allow it. You know he is going to find a way to get him back or at least try. Deep down both of you know that neither of you have any power to be able to do so." Cas said.

"What am I to do? Follow Sam?" I said feeling like I was going to cry. Cas pulled me into a hug.
"You do what you think is best. You keep fighting. Don't sell your soul because a Demon would take it in a heartbeat." Cas said and we pulled away.

I looked around again looking at how nice and how peaceful this place was. I walked to the stream and kneeled down. I had to clear my head. I looked at myself and I looked young and hardly aged. I smiled and could see the glow coming off of my body and the brighter eyes. I put my hand into the water and all it did was ripple the water.

I stood back up and looked behind me surprised to still see Cas there watching me. I looked around and sighed.

"Cas I want to learn more of my powers. I want to be able to harness them." I told him.

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