Chapter 20 - I Wish

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The guys and I are in this Chinese place eating some pretty good food may I say. Sam thinks we have a case here. I let the guys talk to the lady that was supposedly attacked by a spirit in the women's restroom. Supposedly the spirit knew her name and asked for her not to tell him mom. She is also writing a book about this. I just ate while the guys are questioning her.

I got up and was going to go to the bathroom but noticed a wishing well. There were a lot of coins in there. I put my hand in my pocket and felt a few coins in there. I thought about doing it because wishing wells are normally hoaxes. I thought hard on what I really would wish for.

It possibly could be for me to go back to my normal life. To go back to everything before all of this happened. That would mean no Castiel, Sam, or even Dean. I don't know if I would fully change this. I wouldn't feel the same way about Dean or would I? I sighed and chose not to wish because it's stupid anyway.

The guys and I went around figuring a lot out. It was a boy who could become invisible after he wishes in the well. There was a little girl with a stuffed animal that came to life. The stuffed animal was very depressive. Her parents were gone on a vacation. Everything was leading us back to the wishing well in the Chinese restraint.

Sam, Dean and I quickly went to the well the next morning. I can't believe I was about to wish something that was actually going to come true. The boys and I stood around the well.

"This looks like a normal well." I told the guys. "I don't see how it has any specialties to it."

"We need to drain it and see." Sam said.

"How do we know that this is what people just wanted us to see not actually show us what is really going on?" Dean questioned.

"Well, here." I said taking out three pennies. Sam denied but Dean smirked and quickly wished and put his in.

"What did you wish for?" Sam asked. Then someone came through the door with a sub. Dean smirked. I giggled and shook my head at how predictable he could be. I then looked at the well and my expression of happiness faded.

I closed my eyes and thought about my wish. Let's make the best of this while I can. I breathed in then wished, "I wish that I didn't have any powers anymore, that I never left anyone but I was still here helping Sam and Dean. Everyone I knew before just thought I was working around the United States helping the poor." I wished. I tossed the coin in and opened my eyes. Sam looked at me and smiled.

"What did you wish for?" He asked and then my phone started ringing. I looked and it said Luke. My eyes got wide.

"Hello?" I asked answering it. Dean came up to us confused on who I was on the phone with.

"Nikki! You haven't called me back in a week. You okay?"

"Oh uh, yeah just really busy with work. You know."I said.

"Are you seeing me tomorrow like you said?"

"Work got me really busy. I don't think I can. We might have to reschedule. I will try my damndest to be able to though. I promise." I said finally smiling. My best friend, ex boyfriend, and the man who helped me through life for the most part was talking to me.

"Alright. I'll hold you to that. I got to go. I got work to do. "He chuckled. "Love you Nick." Luke said.

"Love you too Luke. Bye." I said before hanging up. I looked at Sam and Dean.

"What did you wish for?" Dean said still munching on his sandwich.

"Why are your eyes blue?" Sam asked. "Is that what you asked for?" Sam asked. I shook my head no.

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