Chapter 16 - Reality TV at It's Best

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"So read back to me what we are doing?" Dean asked me. I had my phone looking at it and then smiled.

"It is a leap year guys! We will be there in about an hour. We will be going into the Morton house because supposedly it is haunted by the janitor that keeps bodies somewhere. Kids like to go in here and stay the night. Some people don't come out. There are already a few missing people so we are in there to find the ghost and kill it." I told him.

"Thanks Detective. I had no clue we had to kill it. " Dean sarcastically said with a smirk. I slapped his arm and shook my head.

"Alright. I won't say what we are doing anymore." I said looking out the window. "I wish I had my car." I mumbled.

"This Impala is better. Let me tell you." Dean smirked.

"Shut up and drive. Let me think about my baby in peace." I laughed a little. I heard Sam laugh from the back.

The guys and I drove until we got to the Morton House. We all got out of the Impala and Sam got the bag. I had my knife in my back and then my gun up on my hip. I left my jacket in the car. It may have been February but I was not that cold.

The guys and I made our way inside. We had our ID's on us and everything else in the bag. Sam had his EMF reader out. We were walking through the place hearing other noises. I had my bright flashlight out in front of the guys. I saw a few people walking and heard them arguing. Kids. Great. We have to get them out.

I called out to the kids as if I was a police officer. I looked at Dean who looked at me and smirked as we walked forward. The kids were just looking at us. Dean and Sam started to tell them that we are cops and we are here to get them out and they have to leave now.

The only thing that ruined our plan was that two of the guys recognized Sam and Dean. I was confused as who these guys were. I never met them before. They tried saying they are with Ghostfacers and Sam said they had Hell Hounds Lair. I just looked between both of them and was beyond confused.

All of us set out to go downstairs and figure things out. We needed to keep these kids out of dodge before it becomes midnight. That means all of us are going to be trapped in here all day trying to stay away from the Vengeful Spirit. I sat on the desk in the room while the guys and Ghost Facers were just staring it out.

"Ok, who the hell are these little kids?" I asked trying to get any information. The one with glasses turned around and smiled at me.

"I don't remember you two having a beautiful woman on your armature hunts. Sweetheart leave this to the professionals. We don't need a pretty face like you getting hurt." I looked at him with disgust. Dean had a pissed off expression.

"Amateurs? You think..." I started to say but Sam cut me off.

"We all need to get out of here. Look at this missing people's reports." Sam said.

I just quit talking. These guys had huge ego problems with being able to hunt ghosts. I hardly think they would be able to even hurt a ghost. They all look like 17 year old kids that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. I felt someone sit next to me and rub my leg. I looked up and it was Dean. He just smirked and shook his head looking at the rest of them. I knew what he was thinking. The same damn thing as me.

I put my hand on top of Deans and smiled at him before looking up at Sam dealing with this "amateurs." Sam had a lot of patience for them. That is one thing that Dean and I did not have with people like these kids. I wonder how their first encounter was like. Dean probably threatened them a lot and Sam found out a way to outsmart them. That's probably how it's going to go down now.

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