Chapter 24 - Infamous Book Characters

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The guys and I are in the Impala about to go into this comic book shop. We're going to see if this could be a ghost haunting or it is just like everything else we have been going after. I hope it is something for real because we have been dry for quite some time. Well it did let Dean and I go off and have some fun of our own away from Sam. It was nice and near a lake. I got to see a little bit of a romantic side of Dean that no one will ever get to see.

All three of us got out of the Impala and were in our FBI suits. I walked in between the guys and saw a heavy set guy at the cash register. You could tell that he was a typical nerd. He looked like the stereotype that also still lived in his mothers basement and played WoW all the time. Yeah, I know what that is. I have researched a lot of things on our free time.

"Hello how can I help you?" The clerk asked.

"We are with the FBI." Sam said as we all showed our badges. "We were wondering if you heard any suspicious noises?" Sam asked.

"No not really." The clerk answered.
"How about cold spots?" Dean asked.

"Has anyone died in this building before?" I asked.

"You're asking questions like this place is haunted or something. It's like those guys and the chick from them books. They're called uh..." He said thinking. I looked amongst the guys then back at him. "Supernatural. Yeah. Two guys and a chick use fake badges with rock star aliases because they hunt ghosts and other supernatural things. What are their names. Steve, Dirk and Naomi? Sal, Dane and Nikita?" The clerk said. I looked at him weird along with Dean. Sam just frowned.

"Sam, Dean and Nikki." Sam stated.

"Yes!" The clerk said.

"You're telling us that this is a book?" Dean asked. The Clerk laughed. He turned around and grabbed something.

"It's a series. It was not that famous or cool amongst a lot of people. It had more of like a cult following. I have the first one right here." He said holding it.

"May I?" I asked he nodded.

"How much is it?" Sam asked. I quickly looked at him.

"She is really into that comic book stuff and those corny supernatural shows." Dean smiled.

"Well since you're agents I'll give you the discount of 4 dollars." Dean picked out his wallet and handed the guy a 5.

"Keep the change. You got more?"

"I have all of them."
"We will take them all. Come on babe." Dead said walking out. I smiled and turned following him.

I started to read through the book being surprised with everything. This book knew exactly who we are. It started all with the me seeing the guys at Jessica's death. It knew what I was wearing. What I thought of them and everything. It even put that I followed to where they went. This is weird. It talked about Dean getting drunk and flirting with me. The it said that I left. It kept up with the guys though and how their hunt went.

When we got back to the hotel I handed it over to Dean. I went right onto the computer to look everything up I could on it. Sam was doing the same thing. We wanted to figure out everything. I found out that they are from Carver Edlund. I also found out that there is an online fandom of weird shit. I was looking through a lot and looked up at Sam. I was going to call him over to look at it but Dean started to be weirder by what he was reading.

"They have everything in here." Dean said. He looked up. "The racist truck. You meeting us in Pennsylvania. Yellow eyes." Dean then looked back down at the pages. "Hell they have me full frontal nudity. Even you.' He said looking at me. "It has our sex scene in here. The first one." My eyes got wide. I got up and went over to the book. I started to read and it sure as hell did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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