Chapter 2 - Not Human

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The next day I left early in the morning. It was so early the boys were not even awake yet. Of course Dean being the drunk that he was, was still snoring away in his own little dream land. I had time to kill so that is exactly what I did. I went around fighting spirits, and a few vampires.

Now I'm following the case in Pennsylvania. The same case that Dean and Sam are on. The one of where I'm going to run into them. It's where I have to be.

I'm walking to check out wreckage. When I walk through the doors I already see two men dressed up in suits talking to the man at the desk. I slowly stroll up to them in my nice heals, black suit pants, a white shirt buttoned enough to show a good amount of my boobs with a black suit top. I also had a suit case.

The two men turned around and I had a smirk on my face as I walked up. The boys had a priceless expression on their faces as I walked up to the man.

"Agent Williams. I'm here to inspect the wreckage." I smiled at him. I didn't even acknowledge the boys.

"You're here with these two? Didn't you two agents say you were alone?" The man asked.

"Oh, these two boys? Their new on the field. HQ hardly trusts them. Sorry guys." I finally looked towards them with a cheesy smile. Dean and Sam still did not know what to make of this. "The boys even forgot the briefcase. Now are we aloud in?" I asked politely.

"Yes Agent Williams."

"Let's go boys." I said going past them and through the door. The boys were hesitant but followed after me.

I walked around the wreckage without a word said between any of us. I could smell the sulfur the closer I got to it. I was actually waiting for the boys to say something but they stayed quiet. I opened up my briefcase which held my steaks, gun and bullets. I loaded my gun with bullets and put it on my back. The sawed off shot gun I kept at the top I made sure was loaded. I then closed the briefcase and then turned to the guys. I smirked in my mind before I decided to talk to them. They were already touching the wreckage.

"What are you two doing?" I asked acting like I was aggravated. Dean and Sam just looked at me.

"We are checking out the wreckage like we were told to." Sam said.

"Ok, cut the shit. What are you guys?" I asked. I folded my arms and scowled at them.

"We are FBI. What, you thought we were going to tell you when we first met?" Dean asked being cocky as hell.

"Yes. It's also weird that we are both on this damn case. You guys are not FBI. You're..." I started to say when the alarm was going off. Shit. "Run, go NOW!" I said.

The boys bolted towards the back door. I grabbed my briefcase and followed them. They were about to jump over the fence when I reached them. I threw the briefcase over and climbed it faster the either of them. They were now running with me.

I slowed down because we were now where we had parked our cars. How wonderful. We think so much alike already. I rolled my eyes and then turned to them. Dean started to come towards me entirely. Sam held him back and I just looked at them.

"We are going back to my hotel room. Got it? Follow me." I said going to my trunk and throwing the briefcase in. I shut it then looked t them. Dean was going into his and looked at mine.

They actually followed me but now a thousand possibilities of what they thought I was, was going through my head. They could think I'm a demon. They possibly could think a shape shifter. There are a couple more but they'll never fully get it.

We got to the hotel and they parked right next to me. I grabbed my bag in the front seat and hauled it over my shoulder. I looked at them and nodded before proceeding to my room. I unlocked the door and walked in. I heard them walking awkwardly behind me. One of them had holy water, the other had a knife. They probably had salt as well. Then I thought a stake. I through my bag on my bed. I slowly started to turn around but then I felt one of them about to pounce. I pulled my gun out faster and had it right to Sam's forehead.

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