Chapter 3 - Hustler

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I haven't seen the guys in quite some time. Once we were done with the Plane Sam didn't tell Dean what I did. He did say I exorcized the demon but I have the exorcism memorized. Which he didn't lie there. Dean wasn't sure of me still even though I saved a bunch of people, and probably more. Also Sam has told him so many times that I'm okay.

The next day the guys and I went our separate ways. I went to fight some ghost in Missouri while they went their own way. Sam and I did have each other's numbers so we could stay in touch if either of us needed info or help. He has called me a few times but acted as if he was calling a friend of his. I've helped them with a shape shifter. He's helped me with a spirit even though I mostly just called to see where they were and how they were doing.

I was driving at 2 am jamming to Def Leppard when Cas appeared next to me. I jumped and slammed on my breaks. This bastard is going to kill me.

"Cas what the hell!" I yelled. He just looked at me.

"Go to the Winchesters. Lawrence, Kansas." Cas told me.

"Their hometown? That's 200 miles away." I said.

"I know. Go now. They're going to need your help in the morning." He said then was gone. I sighed. Great.

I drove all the way to Lawrence and got a hotel room. I tried to not pick the same one as the Winchesters but good job with that. I sighed and got a room on the opposite side of them. I then went to bed for a few hours to only get up and then sit on my car waiting for them to get out of their room.

I first saw Sam get out and stretched. I got up and walked over to him. I had my regular jeans and boots on with a Led Zeppelin shirt on. Sam looked over to me and was shocked to see me.

"You're here!" Sam said over whelmed. I smirked and bowed.

"In the flesh. Alive and kicking." I said and he laughed.

"I see. What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"Well I heard you men were in the neighborhood. I thought I'd come by. Share a case with you two." I said leaning up against the Impala looking at Sam with a smirk.

"Get off my car bitch." Dean said.

"Oh Dean. Always so smooth." I smirked pushing off the Impala. "So you guys are hunting the weird happenings in the old house huh?" I asked walking around to the back of Deans Impala.

"How'd you know?" Sam asked.

"Well, you know, I have my ways." I smirked. "You forget that I'm a hunter as well." I said cocky.

"We are not hunting with you." Dean said. I sighed.

"Well, if you need me I'll be over there." I said pointing to my car in front of my room.

"Dean maybe we should.." Sam started to say but Dean cut him off.

"Get in Sam. Now." He growled. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

These boys are going to contact me. At least Sam is going to. Maybe they're going to go see that Psychic in town. They're going to go to her after they figure out this is not what has killed our mother. This is a poltergeist.

I went onto my computer for about an hour until I was going to go to see Missouri. I arrived where she was and she opened the door immediately. She smiled at me and let me come in. She knew my name and whatever I said in my mind. I was very impressed even when she dug deeper and knew my angelic like powers.

We were in the middle of a conversation when the boys were at the door. I just sat back in her little office as she had them come in. She was saying how she knew stuff about them when their eyes landed on me. Dean scoffed and she looked at him.

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