Chapter 11

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       Mac took a deep breath and turned to Rich, who was flipping channels on the Tv. Taking a deep breath he said "I need to ask you something." Rich turned to him wondering why he was acting strange and said "Shoot." Mac said "First I need to tell you I found your sister. But it was such a shock to her she asked me to hold off telling you. I figured you would be ok with that because you know how you felt when you found out." Rich looked at him and whispered "When did you find her?" Mac clapped his hand on his friend's shoulder "I found a message from her about 530 this morning. When I got in, telling me I must be wrong in my research. I didn't tell her the story you told me. I told her she did have a brother and that was your story to give." Rich looked at his friend and hugged him, "Thanks for finding her. I need to know she's okay." 

        Mac laughed "She's okay all right." Rich looked at him for a few minutes, then laughed "She's the girl that has you all tied up, isn't she?" Mac grinned and nodded his head "Crazy isn't it? Would you like to see a picture of her?" Rich slugged him in the arm and nodded. Mac pulled up the picture of Adele, handing it over to Rich. Rich sucked in a breath and said "She looks like me. I always wondered if she would. She's a baker?" Mac went into what he knew about Adele and her history. "She did ask me to let you know that she needs some time to adjust to the news and will reach out to you when she's ready. She hopes you can respect that." Rich said "Of course I can. I know she's ok. Now what was your question?" Mac held his breath after asking "How would you feel about your best friend dating your sister?" Rich started laughing so hard that Mac wanted to slap him. Finally after several minutes he caught his breath and answered "I'd say she couldn't have made a better choice man. But it's hilarious that my unknown sister has you twisted up after what 6 hours!"

Mac: I told him everything. He says he will respect your wishes and that he's just glad to know you are ok. I told him you were the girl I was telling him about.

     Mac waited for her response. Rich suggested they head on down to the rec hall and shoot some pool or something. Mac looked at the clock and frowned 5 minutes. They walked over to the hall and started up a game but all the while Mac watched the clock. After the 10th time he checked his phone Rich said "Dude, why so worried? She'll text back when she can." Mac frowned " She's at the doctor with her mom. They were running some tests. I know she was worried because her mom wouldn't say what they were testing for. I told her if she needed me, I'd come." Rich just shook his head and said "She shouldn't be there alone. But you can't just barge in either. It could mess up any chance you have."

Adele: I'm glad he's ok with it Mac. Reception is spotty in this stupid hospital. I'm going nuts here, the doctor just came in to tell us he wants to run more tests. So we sit here and wait. What are you doing?

Mac: Playing pool with Rich, who by the way is kicking my ass because I'm distracted by his beautiful sister.

Adele: Lol.. well stop letting yourself get distracted and kick his ass ;-)

Mac: Hard to do when I'd rather be talking to you, than playing a game of pool.

Adele: I'd rather be talking to you while I sit here too. I've been thinking about your cupcake.

Mac: My cupcake?

Adele: The one you got me thinking about with your favorites. I think I'll bake them soon.

Mac: Will I get to try them?

Adele: If you are lucky.

Mac: I know I'm lucky as hell.

Adele: How do you know that?

Mac: I met you.

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