Chapter 24

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 Rich looked over at Mac as they climbed into his Jeep, wondering where they were going."So you gonna tell me where we're going?" Mac sighed and said "Depends if you're gonna hit me or not." Rich stared at him for a long moment before replying "Depends what you have to say. I will wait to slug you until you aren't driving if you deserve it. You are my best friend Mac, but if you are going to hurt my sister i'm going to hurt you." Mac laughed and said "Why would I hurt her you idiot? I'm in love with her. Hell we're going to buy a ring, I was just worried you might punch me for rushing things."

Rich watched him speechless, shaking his head he replied "You're going to ask her to marry you? After what a week?" Mac laughed and said "I'm not asking her tonight man. I have to plan it first but yes i'm going to ask her to marry me." Rich started laughing until Mac was glaring and he could hardly catch his breath. Mac said "What's so funny?" When Rich finally got his laughter under control he said "Wow you fell quick! I wouldn't take her fishing man, she snagged you barely trying!"

They pulled into the parking lot of the jeweler, Mac slugged Rich in the arm and laughed. He looked smugly and said "Just wait man, you just wait." Rich shook his head but knew if he could get Linda out on a date he might be where his buddy is now. Rich grinned and said "Really Mac, I think that's great and I sure hope she will say yes when you ask. Let's go pick out her a ring."

As they walked into the jeweler Mac noticed the sales lady was one of the customers from the bakery that he waited on. She smiled as they walked in and said "Hey y'all are the guys from the bakery! What can I help you with?" Rich said "Well that depends if you can keep a secret or not." She smiled and said "All sales are confidential." Mac grinned and said "That's great then, I need to look at engagement rings." She said "For Adele?" Mac nodded and she said "I have just the thing, Linda brings her in here with her often. Linda likes jewelry, and she's always making Adele look with her. Adele's ring size is a 7."

They walked over to the case the sales lady showed them and looked at the ones she pointed out. Mac looked over to Rich and said "So what do you think?" Rich laughed, pointed out two he thought would fit her personality and laughed. "I can't believe i'm helping you pick out a ring for my sister!" Mac told the sales lady which one he wanted to look at and she said "She's picked up that one several times. But may I make a suggestion?" Mac nodded and she continued "This is a small town, it's going to get back to her that you were in here. My suggestion is that if you want this to be a complete surprise you get her a necklace too and that way she thinks that's why you were in here."

Mac grinned and said "Great idea! Any idea what she likes over there?" She nodded and walked over to another case pointing out a few. Mac saw a beautiful one with two linked hearts, it was gold with diamonds and opals. He said "That one right there. I'm sure she will love it. Can you wrap them both up?" She grinned and took it out of the case to put them in boxes. At the register he didn't even blink at the amount as he paid and thanked the lady.

They walked back out and Rich laughed "You actually did it! Now when are you asking her?" Mac smiled and said "I'm not sure, maybe while were gone. I'm still figuring that part out! But I promise I will call you when i do!" Mac and Rich drove to the base so he could pack up his things for the trip and get his papers and her pass. He met with his CO who let him know his 4 month leave had been approved. He knew the first month had been the day after the request but was waiting on the final word.

His CO said "Mac I know that you need this time. If you are serious about this girl, I suggest you take this leave time to think about your career. Your contract is up in 6 months, when you get back you will have the choice to stay in or not re-enlist. I know this has been your life for a long time now." Mac said "I guess a lot of that will depend on her answer Sir." His CO grinned and said "To what question soldier?" Mac laughed and said "I bought a ring Sir. I'm going to ask her to marry me."

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