Chapter 3

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          Adele had just stepped out of the shower when she heard her computer chime. That's odd, I thought I shut it down last night. I must have been too tired. She pushed a key to bring the screen to life and saw the genealogy website, seeing that she had a message she clicked on the icon. She was shocked to see NavyManRS had replied already. He must be an early riser too. After reading his message to say she was surprised was an understatement. She sat there staring at the screen for several long minutes, then decided she needed to reply, perhaps he was still online.

Title: Hi Mac

Message: Dear Mac,

           I'm surprised as I just thought there may be a glitch somewhere in your research. A brother? What's he like? Thank you for offering to help me if needed  :-} . I'm honestly not sure if I'm ready for him to know where I am, I need time to think. It's always just been me and my mom and I've always wished for a brother, but now that I have one I need time to adjust.. Does that even make sense? How long have you known him? What area are y'all in?? Glad to see I'm not the only early riser!

                                                                                                                            Curiously Shocked


        Adele wondered if he was still online and would answer quickly. She would leave the site up while she got ready just to be sure. When she was dressed and still hadn't received anything back she decided to take it into the bakery with her and wait. She should have time in between clients to see if Mac sent a message. She wondered if he was built like most of Navy guys on TV or how they were described in romance novels. Why are you wondering about Mac? Isn't it your brother you should be curious about? So what does it matter what his friend looks like. Shaking her head she shut down her laptop and headed out the door.

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