Chapter 27

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The had a good day on the road, with only a few stops. It was getting dark as they rolled into the hotel's parking lot. Mac pulled up to the door and said "I'll go check us in Babe. Y'all wait here." He leaned over and kissed her softly before stepping out. Once he walked off Emily said "You're happy aren't you baby? Do you love him?" Adele smiled back at her mom and said "I am Momma. I know it's soon but I do love him. You know I had the weirdest dream this morning."

Emily smiled and said "What about?" Adele said " It was just a flash of a dream really. Mac kissed my forehead while I was sleeping and whispered he loved me and hoped I would say yes when he asked me to marry him. I know it's strange." She giggled nervously and her mom smiled. Emily had a feeling that wasn't a dream and just a memory, she had seen the way he looked at her girl.

She was fixing to say something just as Mac returned to the jeep. He said "Ok all checked in. They had the room waiting on us." Emily said "I'm glad you made reservations Mac." He said "Gotta make sure everything is ready." Emily and Adele laughed, and looked at each other. Mac looked innocent and said "What is that look for?" Adele leaned over and kissed his cheek before saying "Nothing Babe. Mom do you want to go to the room or get dinner first?"

Emily laughed and said "Dinner. Once we get to the room i'll be going to bed! Wonder what's aroung here?" When Mac started listing restraunt closest, in different types, both women dissolved into laughter. Emily said "That's our Mac. Always prepared!" Mac just shook his head and grinned at them. They had taken to teasing him early into the drive. He felt like he was part of the family and if all went as planned he would be.

As they pulled up to the little cafe close to the hotel Emily said "Adele why don't you run in and get us a table. Mac can help me in, i'm afraid I got a little stiff from the drive." Adele looked concerned and said "Momma we can go to a drive-thru and get back so you can rest." Emily said "Nonsense Child. Go on and get a table." Mac smiled knowing she wanted to talk, and kissed Adele's cheek. He said "I'll make sure she gets in Babe."

Adele nodded and went to get a table as Mac pretended to help Emily. Once she was out of earshot he said "Ok what's on your mind?" Emily laughed and said "She loves you, you know. You should be more careful though. She thinks she was dreaming when you told her this morning you love her." Mac shook his head and said "I thought she was asleep. I bought a ring before we left, Rich helped pick it out. I plan to ask her to marry me before the end of this trip. Are you ok with that?"

Emily teared up a bit and said "Of course i'm ok with that. You are a fine young man and I couldn't ask for anyone better for her. But what of when you are gone?" He smiled and said "If she says yes there won't be anymore going away. I have 6 months left on my contract, i have to make a choice to re-enlist or retire when i'm back from leave. She doesn't know yet. I've already talked to Joe about crossing over to the local PD."

Adele watched them chatting and walking slowly to the door. She wondered why they were so deep in conversation. Shaking her head she waved them over. As they sat down she said "You two look like you are up to something." Mac laughed and said "Babe the only thing were up to was talking about you." She cocked her head and said "Oh yeah what about me?" He looked at Emily and said "She was warning me you snore." Adele looked shocked and they both laughed at her expression.

She knew they were teasing and left it alone. They ordered and enjoyed a nice dinner full of laughter before retiring to the hotel room for the night.

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