Chapter 41

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          Mac answered his phone without looking at the screen, after saying hello he realized it was his brother. He had to laugh and looked at Adele, saying "It's my brother." Adele laughed and said "Hello Cam!" When Mac relayed Cam's greeting, Adele kissed Mac's cheek before moving off to refill her cup. The men spoke for a few moments before Mac said "No Problem, I'll let them know you are coming in early. See you tonight!"

         Once they were off the phone, Mac sent a message to Dixie about them coming in early. Adele took her seat next to him and started going over details they needed to finalize. It was 20 minutes later, just as they were finishing up, that Mac's phone rang again. Mac looked down and said, "It's Bryan." He quickly answered the phone, smiling as he listened to his buddy give him the news he had been waiting to hear for years. Bryan said "She's pretty sure she's your sister too. She is very excited and wanted to know how to get in touch with you right away. I told her you are getting married next week, and that I would be coming to the wedding. She did ask if she could come with me, if once you two spoke you still both think you are siblings. I sent her your picture and she says she can see some relation, but that may be her excitement coming through. Except her son kinda does look like you, he's 12."

          Mac took a deep breath, then replied, "She has a son? Is she married? Does she have any other kids?" Bryan said, "She just has Cole. She isn't married. That's her story though. Cole is a good kid and he loves his mom. Are you good with them coming with me? I sent her copies of your papers to show her they were the same." Mac looked over at Adele and smiled, saying, "Yes, we are fine with them coming to the wedding. I'm going to send her a friend's request on facebook, maybe we can talk through there. We can video chat that way too." Bryan laughed and said "Pretty sure she already sent you one. She said she was going to. I'm flying home, to meet up with her if she decides to go, we will drive in since she's there in Texas."

           Mac said, "She's in Texas? Where?" Bryan laughed and replied, "We grew up just outside Corsicana." Mac said "We drove through Corsicana to get here. It's about 30 minutes away from here. Are you telling me she's that close?" Bryan grinned knowing his buddy would not wait until next week to meet his sister. He said, "Yeah, she is. She doesn't know it though, just that your wedding is in Texas. Look Bud, I have to run. Send her a message and talk to her." Mac said his goodbye and hung up the phone.

         He turned to Adele, she was looking at him with a expectant look on her face. He laughed and said, "He's positive it's her. Said she has probably already sent me a friends request. She's only 30 minutes from here Adele. We drove through her town to get here. She has a 12 year old son named Cole." Adele hugged him close and said, "Why don't you send her a message Babe." Mac nodded, opened up his browser and brought up facebook. When it had loaded, there at the top of the page, was the icon indicating an friend request. He quickly accepted her request, then clicked on her page to look over it. He immediately noticed a status update posted 10 minutes before.

Amelia Rose - is feeling excited with Bryan Kindle

Thanks to my dear friend Bryan, I have the first true lead on my brother! We both believe it to be him! I sent a friend request and now i'm waiting for him to accept! Cross your fingers!

         Mac pointed it out to Adele and laughed. He said, "I think she's a little excited." Adele nodded and laughed, before saying, "I can't believe she's only 30 minutes away from here. Kind of like when you found me." He shook his head and said, "Sorry Baby but you found me remember? It is funny we ended up here and she is that close though." Adele slapped his arm and said, "Potato, patato we found each other and that is all that matters! Keep scrolling." He leaned over and kissed her sweetly before saying, "You're right like always. Bryan says her son looks like me, so let's see if we can find a picture of him." They had just clicked on her photos, when a message popped up. Mac looked over at Adele and took another deep breath before reading it.

Amelia: Hello! I was going to give you time to settle into this idea, but I just couldn't wait! From everything Bryan told me, I'm 99% sure we are siblings. I have to admit i've been snooping through your page lol

Mac: I was just doing the same thing. Bryan says your son, kind of resembles me. I was just looking for a picture! Lol. My fiance is sitting here with me and says Hello!

Amelia: Does she have a name?

Mac: Adele

Amelia: Hello Adele!

Mac: So, according to Bryan, our adoption papers match. I've had your named passed to me a few times, through a few research friends, but since you were looking for two siblings I didn't connect it.

Amelia: I'm not sure the papers are public record about her, and i'm really not sure she's our only sibling. I wish we could find the adoption agent, maybe they could shed some light on this.

Mac: Since it's the same person, maybe we can put out some feelers, to see what can be found. Bryan said, you are here in Texas? Our wedding will be next week here in Streetman, Texas.

Amelia: Really???? You are like 30 minutes from me!!!! Are y'all already here??

Mac: Lol. We've been here for a little over a week now.

Amelia: Would you be willing to meet soon? We can meet for lunch one day, or I can drive there? Cole will be with me of course.

        Mac looked over at Adele, who smiled and nudged his arm. He said "I promised Emily we would have a relaxing day here at the cabin." Adele called for her mom, and once she appeared, explained what had happened. She said "Of Course you need to meet her! I can stay here and relax, if you are worried about leaving have her come here. We can make a nice lunch and i'm sure her son would love the ranch." Mac smiled and turned back to answer Amelia's question when he saw another one from her.

Amelia: It's okay if you aren't ready Mac.

Mac: No! I was just asking Adele and her mom about plans lol When would you be available?

Amelia: Well it's 9 now. Cole has a doctor's appointment at 10, we should be free after about noon. If you are wanting to meet today anyway! Lol. Other wise we i'm usually off after 5 in the evenings.

Mac: Is Cole Ok?

Amelia: He's fine. It's just a check up :)

Mac: Oh, Good. So, why don't you message me when you are done at the doctor, then you two could come here? I would meet you closer but, Adele's mom isn't well and i'm worried about leaving her to long.

Amelia: I hope she will be okay. We would be glad to come there! We're about tobe running out the door, can't be texting and driving. I'll message you soon.

        They said their goodbyes and signed offline. Mac pulled up his phone and made sure his facebook messenger was logged in, so she could get him on there. Emily and Adele were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. He went over to join them, pulled Adele to him and kissed her. He said, "She will be here in a few hours." 

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