Chapter 20

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        That hour turned into more like two, but Mac didn't mind at all. He found he loved watching her work while he researched. He could get use to this, them working together peacefully. He stretched and said "Baby i'm going to grab a cup of coffee, you want one?" Adele smiled and said "Sure, we're almost done here, two more batches in the oven. Sorry it's taking longer than I estimated." He laughed and planted a kiss on her cheek as he went by, before saying "Adele I don't mind it taking longer.I could watch you bake all day, just need coffee. I'm done looking up hotels and have started on things to do. I'll call hotels tomorrow to see what kind of deals we can get." She grinned as he slipped out of the room to get the coffee, thinking to herself. How did I get so lucky?

Mac returned with two cups of coffee then went back out into the front. When he returned he had cleaned and shut down the coffee pot so it was ready for in the morning. He stole a kiss as he delievered her coffee, before returning to the computer and compiling his newest list. She giggled as he slipped off to the computer, he looked at her and grinned. She said "So what's the plan so far? Anything fun to do?" He grinned and said "There is a ton of stuff to do, just depends what your mom is up to doing. Amusment parks, water parks, museums, botanical gardens, monuments, and thats just in Dallas. There's tons of shopping, or we can visit a dude ranch. We can do whatever she wants."

Adele said "I guess we will just print up some information and see what she wants to do. She may change her mind when we get there or have certain things she wants to do." He nodded his head and kept on researching, saving the pages of things to do. He looked up just as the last timer went off and watched her put things into the coolers and racks. He decided to shut down the computer and just watch her finish up as his eyes were starting to blur.

She glanced up to see him watching her and the computer closed. She smiled and said "What are you doing?" He said "Watching you." She laughed and said "I see that, why are you watching me?" He just smiled at her without answering. She started to fidget and he laughed softly. He said "Am I making you nervous Babe?" She shook her head and slid the last of what she wanted to take with her into a box. She turned off all the ovens and appliances and said "Will you grab my computer bag and pack up the computer?" He got up and walked over to her, taking her into his arms slowly. He kissed her forehead and whispered " You are so amazing Baby, I like watching you.I'll go pack up the computer and get ready to go. But you shouldn't get nervous about me watching you beautiful."

She sighed and wondered again how this wonderful man could be real and hers. She finished stacking the boxes they were taking with them to the houses and grabbed two to go coffee cups. He walked back into the room when she handed him his coffee to go. He kissed her softly and said "Thanks Babe, what else needs to go with us?" She pointed out the boxes and he scooped them up as they walked out. After locking up he followed her to her house only two blocks away. She grinned at him as they walked up the walk. She said "I know it's big for one person but I fell in love with it when I saw it." He pulled her closer and said " I can see why. It's a beautiful house and not to big if you want a family someday."

She blushed and said "I never thought about having a family. I didn't date remember? But I love children and maybe that's why I loved this place. I can see kids playing here someday. Maybe neices and nephews now that I know about Rich. That is if he ever settles down." Mac grinned and said "I don't see that happening anytime soon, though he was interested in Linda. But what about your own kids?" She looked at him wondering what he meant by that, he couldn't be talking about their kids, could he? She whispered "Hopefully someday." 

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