Chapter 9

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             Adele read his message and paused...He wants to text me. It would be easier. Taking a deep breath she brought up google and looked up the nearest Naval Base. Picking up her office phone she dialed the number, once it was answered she said " I have questions about a Macauley MacBaine. Who would I speak with?" The young officer replied " Yes Ma'am. MacBaine said you might call in and I'm to send you to his Commanding Officer. Please Hold." As she waited on the line she smiled. He made sure to make this easier for her, she knew it wouldn't be this easy if he hadn't.

          A man answered the line and she told him her name and what she was calling for. The man started laughing and said " Never had one of Mac's girls check up on him. Heck he never even brings a woman on base. What can I answer for you Darlin'?" She explained a little bit of how they met, leaving out the stuff about her brother. "I just wanted to know if he's trustworthy really, I tend to be cautious." The Man said " You've got a good head on your shoulders girl. I'm glad you checked , too many young woman just trust. Mac will be glad you checked too. He's a protector through and through. It makes him a damn good SEAL. You could do a lot worse in this world." She thanked him and hung up. Taking a deep breath she answered Mac.

Title: To trust or not to trust?

Message:    Mac,

      It's not that I don't trust you are who you say you are. But in this world a woman has to be careful. Thank You for easing that path because, I know it can't be that easy to get information on a man in your position. I feel I should let you know if you are on base were only around 30 minutes apart as I'm in Ocean View. I have to leave my computer here at the bakery, my mom isn't well and I have to take her to the doctor. Text me. 757-555-4625.


Sending her message, she had to finish one more batch of cupcakes before she left in 15 minutes. She laughed when she heard her texting tone on her cell phone go off. He must have been waiting.

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